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Re: Abbeville nannies reviews

by Junior Nanny94 » Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:24 pm

Thanks for getting back to me everyone. I have decided to go ahead and give them a try. I will write a letter to them explaining my circumstances and then take it from there :)

Re: Abbeville nannies reviews

by tintin » Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:44 am

Me too - I have employed a nanny through Abbeville Nannies in the past, and they were very easy to deal with - professional and friendly. I would give them a go - what have you got to lose apart from a bit of your time?

Re: Abbeville nannies reviews

by Wheresmyschool? » Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:33 am

I can say that as a "consumer" we use them quite a bit and find them excellent.

So probably worth joining :-)

Re: Abbeville nannies reviews

by fiiisaaa » Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:04 am

I had the same experience as u couple of years ago and to be honest they have never found me job not even babysitting because I have been told I am not a driver.Nice ladies run this agency I must say but very disapointed although they promised to call me back cose they might have a right job for me even close to by place where I live but never heard from them!
Since then I never rely on agency any more.
Anyway, good luck.Hope u are going to find perfect nanny job

Abbeville nannies reviews

by Junior Nanny94 » Wed Jan 08, 2014 12:19 am


I am a 19 year old nanny and I was hoping to join the abbeville nannies agency in Clapham but I just wanted to know from people if it was worth going for it
I had arranged an interview with them last year but I missed the appointment and now im not sure if they would let me arrange another one again. They seemed really friendly over the phone but because i only have 2 years experience they werent sure if I had enough experience to join their agency and I dont want to go through all that just to be told Im not suitable for them.
On the website they have a lot of great job opportunities and I havent had a lot of luck getting work and other nannies have suggested joining agencies. We all have to start somewhere but would like to hear peoples opinions/reviews.
