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Re: Teaching French to a 3 yr old at home

by RRansom » Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:32 pm


I am a half English, Half French, fluent French speaker with no accent. I have a 4 month old baby boy and am looking forward to getting my brain working again.

I am planning to start giving private or group French lessons for all age groups in my home in Balham.

I have a particular tallent with languages, having learnt Spanish in 6 weeks to a standard to be able to do a Business Masters in Spain, in Spanish. I hope to be able to pass this skill and technique onto my pupils.

Please do contact me for further information on 0798452144 or

Looking forward to hearing from you
Raphaelle Ransom

Re: Teaching French to a 3 yr old at home

by trulyscrumptious1975 » Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:53 am

Hi there,
We are launching our under 5's French play group in the next 2 months in Balham if you are interested.
Please pm me with your email address if you are interested and we can keep you posted.

Teaching French to a 3 yr old at home

by Coffeegirl » Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:58 pm


Please can anyone recommend any tutorial packs, books, DVDs, iphone apps etc which I can do with my 3 yr old to introduce him to French.

If anyone is selling any, even better!

I am not a French speaker but would love for him to pick up at least a few of the basics before we start school.

We will probably do tingolingo or club petit pierot from Sept too.

Thanks in advance
