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Re: Ravenstone - Dec 2013 Ofsted

by motherbear » Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:08 am

there are many many other aspects that should be judged.....Ofsted is only one and not one that measures the happiness or holistic education of your child. Go and see for yourself, don't rely on government led judgements based on two day visits that tell very little and are often led by those who know very little and are following a system that tells very little

Re: Ravenstone - Dec 2013 Ofsted

by wasateacher » Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:01 am

One of the problems with Ofsted at the moment is that they have changed the boxes they tick before coming to a judgement. Many of the schools which converted to academy status are now graded as less good. Some going from "outstanding" to "satisfactory" or from "good" to "inadequate". There could be an argument that, by converting, the governors took their eyes off the ball, but a factor could also be the change in Ofsted. Please remember that the vast majority of "Ofsted" inspections are actually carried out by commercial companies like Tribal and Serco.

I do believe that Ravenstone is a good school.

Re: Ravenstone - Dec 2013 Ofsted

by Goldhawk » Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:34 pm

I think the inspection report was v positive myself

Re: Ravenstone - Dec 2013 Ofsted

by Annabel (admin) » Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:47 pm

Hi Everyone
The last Ravenstone thread had to be shut because it descended into a pub fight.

Can we please keep this one polite and above board?



Re: Ravenstone - Dec 2013 Ofsted

by tamara » Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:45 pm

I'd quite like to have Papianian at any school that my kids go to.

Surely we're not saying we don't want discussion and accountability?

Well done P


Re: Ravenstone - Dec 2013 Ofsted

by SW17mum » Fri Jan 24, 2014 6:43 pm

Wow! You don't give up do you. Give the school a chance to turn things round. It's only been half a term and from what I have heard there have been some major improvements following the Oct OFSTED report. So a few things still need would be expected.

<comment removed by moderator>

Ravenstone - Dec 2013 Ofsted

by papinian » Fri Jan 24, 2014 4:22 pm

We had a long long thread before Christmas about Ravenstone primary school in Balham. It got so long that Annabel ended up locking it.

As mentioned on that thread, following a "Requires Improvement" rating in an Ofsted done in October, Ravenstone had a new Ofsted inspection in December. The report on that later Ofsted inspection was published on Ofsted's website earlier this week and I think it worth bringing to everyone's attention. Link here: ... ELS/101017

The new report indicates again that one of the major problems was how the governors of Ravenstone were doing (or rather not doing) their job. The new report says that "Governors have radically changed how they work." and that a formal review of governance is scheduled for early January 2014.

Although the new report is generally positive about the overhaul that the school is trying to make, I counted three criticisms in the new report:
- "does not place sufficient emphasis on how teachers will be supported to
improve their learning in lessons"
- "Teachers are helping pupils to respond to their written comments, but this is not being implemented consistently in all classes."
- "this work has been unnecessarily duplicated by the leaders of special
educational needs"
