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Re: babydan pe/white company moses/maxi cosi/BRIO highchair

by Mummyabc » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:15 pm

Do you still have the baby bjorn bouncer and if so how is the condition and what is your best price?

Re: babydan pe/white company moses/maxi cosi/BRIO highchair

by zimwake » Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:29 pm

Hi. Do you still have the maxi cosi Tobi car seat? Thanks

updated; maxi cosi Tobi/cabrio + isofix base/cot changer/bou

by misssw » Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:15 pm

hi all
still hoping these go so v happy to take offers - leave heaver estate in a week!

black maxi cosi cabrio + isofix base unit - £60
black maxi cosi tobi - £60

mothercare baby darlington cot top changer - £25
black babybjorn babysitter balance bouncer chair £40

little white company baby (blue bears) mobile for cot - £10
buggy snuggle - grey fleece (medium warmth, Autumn/Spring) - £10

Re: babydan pe/white company moses/maxi cosi/BRIO highchair

by misssw » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:02 pm

Weds works well (afternoon) - did you get my email? Just checking it was working my outbox won't send from NV.

Re: babydan pe/white company moses/maxi cosi/BRIO highchair

by FTMummy » Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:42 pm

Hello. I am interested in your playpen. Could collect on Wednesday this week. Maybe the travel cot too. Not sure how we go about exchanging details to arrange pickup etc (new to the arcade!). Thanks

playpen/maxi-cosi's/cot changer/babybjorn bouncer/travel cot

by misssw » Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:21 pm

white baby dan hexagonal playpen with grey cushion - £30
black maxi cosi cabrio + isofix base unit - £60
black maxi cosi tobi - £60
grey mothercare travel cot (inc extra mattress and sheet) £15
black babybjorn babysitter balance bouncer chair £40
little white company baby (blue bears) mobile for cot - £10
mothercare baby darlington cot top changer - £25

all the above are still available and in excellent condition
open to offers, leaving town in a week!

Re: babydan pe/white company moses/maxi cosi/BRIO highchair

by misssw » Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:17 pm

Hi there, apologies for the delay, it's collection from Heaver Estate and we have the Maxi-Cosi cabriofix and easy fix/isofix base that goes with it for babies and also the Maxi-Cosi Tobi toddler car seat, both are black. I'm afraid that I sold the moses basket last week. Please do let me know ASAP if you are interested in the car seats as seem to be quite popular!
Many thanks

Re: babydan pe/white company moses/maxi cosi/BRIO highchair

by Noonoo82 » Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:50 am

Hi can you tell me where collection is from pls. Also what maxi cosi is it pl and can you post a pic of the Moses basket and stand. Thanks

Re: babydan playpen/maxi cosi seats/baby bjorn bouncer

by misssw » Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:17 pm

white baby dan hexagonal playpen with grey cushion - £30
black maxi cosi cabrio + isofix base unit - £60
black maxi cosi priorifix - £60
black maxi cosi tobi - £60
grey mothercare travel cot (inc extra mattress and sheet) £15
black babybjorn babysitter balance bouncer chair £40
little white company baby (blue bears) mobile for cot - £10
mothercare baby darlington cot top changer - £25

open to offers as moving in a week!

Re: babydan pe/white company moses/maxi cosi/BRIO highchair

by misssw » Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:53 pm

happy to take offers
moving out of london in a few weeks!

babydan pe/white company moses/maxi cosi/BRIO highchair etc

by misssw » Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:51 pm

white baby dan hexagonal playpen with grey cushion - £30
black maxi cosi cabrio + isofix base unit - £60
black maxi cosi priorifix - £60
black maxi cosi tobi - £60
little white company moses basket and stand (inc mattress/cover) £20
grey mothercare travel cot (inc extra mattress and sheet) £15
black babybjorn babysitter balance bouncer chair £40
little white company baby (blue bears) mobile for cot - £10
white BRIO sit 3 in 1 highchair - £50
mothercare baby darlington cot top changer - £25
