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Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Widger » Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:49 am

Thanks ladies. I've heard of some people leaving the area but have obviously not given up their place yet as house sale not gone through. Just got to keep everything crossed. Good luck to everyone still waiting.

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by darlingmummy » Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:32 pm

Wandsworth Council does call to let you know if you have made it into the school of your choice.
I got a call last year after I had asked to be taken off the list because we had decided to go the independent route, but they obviously hadn't.
anyway they called me to let me know there was a place at BP.

if you are 4th you will most probably make it.

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by makeithappen » Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:55 am

My daughter (now y3) got a space for our 1st choice school in year 1.

We were 4th and steadily dropped down to the teens. I gave up at that point and resigned myself that she would be at a different school. And then Lo! and Behold! Wandsworth council called me up and she got a spot. My son then automatically got a place in reception as a sibling.

I love the kids school and so glad we did wait for a spot. However, now she is in Y3, the year isn't full with 28 / 29. SOme of the higher years have even less, so it does make me wonder about the pressure for reception and is it just a false things as by y3 the years will empty out?

I recently heard a local prep school lost a lot of pupils this year, so there really is change all the time.

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Honeybee » Tue May 27, 2014 9:53 pm

No movement for us... As at about a week ago, there were a few people that hadn't responded to say whether they were taking up a place. I think that the council are sending out letters/calling people who haven't responded over the next couple of weeks. So I'm going to try and be patient and wait for a couple of weeks before calling up again! Hope you get some good news soon Widger! (And everyone else who is waiting...)

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Widger » Mon May 26, 2014 11:15 pm

Hope had further luck? I've moved one place, slow and steady it may be but hoping for the best

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Honeybee » Fri May 09, 2014 8:35 pm

I think it had been updated since I last spoke to them but they said that I should call back next week to see whether there had been any further movement since there was still a backlog of paperwork to be processed.

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by 8han » Fri May 09, 2014 5:16 pm

Could you get an updated waiting list number? I was told at 2pm that systems were back on but data from the past week has yet to catch up so I should call back next week!

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Honeybee » Fri May 09, 2014 4:52 pm

Systems now back up and running...!

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Widger » Thu May 08, 2014 10:42 am

It's pretty shoddy. I mean a whole week of system being down is ridiculous!

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Honeybee » Thu May 08, 2014 9:59 am

If anyone speaks to Wandsworth council and is told that their systems are up again, would you be able to post on here? I have called them a number of times over the past few days (including this morning) and have been told that the system is still down, or at least, that they are in the process of fixing the problem.

I will also post here if I hear of anything but am trying to minimise the number of times I call them as they are probably pretty busy dealing with more pressing queries!

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Honeybee » Fri May 02, 2014 2:38 pm

Agreed, they are probably hoping to get away for the long weekend without all us annoying parents pestering them all the time! (Don't blame them, we must be a very trying lot.)

We're currently top of the list but not holding out that much hope since it's a sought after school and we're aware that others may jump in ahead of us.

Good luck!

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Widger » Fri May 02, 2014 1:37 pm

Where are you on list Honeybee? Hope not too far up.

I'm sure the 'systems being down' are probably their excuse to stop people like us pestering them every 5 minutes :lol:

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by 8han » Fri May 02, 2014 11:52 am

I was also told we'd hear by letter but you can still call for an update. I called yesterday and today but was told their system is down till this afternoon, but most probably Tuesday.

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Honeybee » Fri May 02, 2014 11:51 am

Indeed! I am finding this waiting game very stressful, I must admit! (It's just the fact that we don't know for certain where our LO will be going to school, so it's hard to prepare psychologically for the next step isn't it.)

Re: Waiting list number - success?

by Widger » Fri May 02, 2014 11:46 am

Yes it was Wandsworth and she was very surprised. Lucky thing :)
