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Re: Pelvic Floor issues...

by VickiScott » Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:54 am

Hi there,
As a midwife and recent second time mum I couldn't agree more!
I've been attending Sue Lewis's pilates based post natal exercise classes in Wimbledon and highly recommend them. I did the classes after having my first daughter 5 years ago-it's so important to get your pelvic floor back into shape after each baby as it gets less able to deal with holding everything up the more babies you have! If we are being blunt then this means you are less likely to suffer from prolapse and incontinence -now and in later life.
The classes are effective, and social, and Sue provides a group of babysitters who look after all the babies in the next room while you are doing your class.
Sue also does private consultations should you need them-she spends all her working time talking about ladies bottoms so is unembarrassable and will put you at ease! or 02089468561

Re: Pelvic Floor issues...

by Pabloett » Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:04 am

Women's health physiotherapy is greatly under-utilised in this country. In France all women are entitled to post-natal physio sessions which includes pelvic floor re-education. Physio for All on Webbs Road ( also specialise in women's health and pelvic floor re-education and have a team of physios (mainly trained in France) who do one to one sessions either at the clinic or at homes.

It really is time to speak up on this issue!

Pelvic Floor issues...

by philippa » Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:40 pm


I wanted to share my recent experience with my fellow mums

I have 2 children (3&5) and just over a year ago I suffered from a uterine prolapse :o (aged 35). I am fit and active, but was not doing my pelvic floor excersise as often as I should.

After months of treatment, with little progress, I met a specialist trainer Jenni Russell who runs group and private pelvic floor clinics. Within 6 weeks, the improvement was amazing:

This is a topic that concerns us all :oops: , but few of us speak up. I have been saved from a major operation, for many of us, the problem is less drastic, but nonetheless difficult to live with and this sort of thing that gets worse with age...

Come on, girls, it is time we speak up about this issue, if not in a public forum like this, then at least with our friends. Let's help each other with tips on improving this area of our post-baby lives.
