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Re: Cycling lessons for 6 year olds

by Everyone Bikes » Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:12 am

Hello All!
Everyone Bikes here :)

'juliantenniscoach', thanks for the shout out!

'busyworkingmum', we can definitely help you out! We've had many requests for Kids Lessons and they are turning to be extremely popular. Luke, our Workshop Mechanic, is a lovely chap and is certified for Kids Bike Ability training.

You can check out the classes and info here: ... ty-classes

Also, if he'd be interested in the Maintenance Side of cycling (safety check, puncture procedure, etc...), we also have classes:

Let me know if you have any q's and good luck!

Re: Cycling lessons for 6 year olds

by sabimum northcote » Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:41 pm

try ... e-beginner.
Mercedes the instructor is lovely.
She tought my son (4 years) how to cycle in one hour! Important to mention he didnt have a balance bike.
She also tought him how to use breaks properly, how to avoid obstacles, how put his feet on peddle without looking when starting, etc.
I can highly recommend Luvhandles.

Good luck!

Re: Cycling lessons for 6 year olds

by Garfield » Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:18 pm

Herne Hill Velodrome run training sessions (not on the main velodrome) for kids of all ages.

Our 6 y/o benefited greatly from their tuition.

From the website ... ning/kids/

Frog-Bikes Cycling Sessions (4 - 8 year olds)

Herne Hill has teamed up with lightweight kids' bike brand, Frog Bikes, to give children aged between 4 and 8 the chance to participate in some special sessions on the 250m junior track on Thursday evenings 5-6 pm. The hour-long sessions, which will cost £3, will introduce youngsters to the basics of bike riding and will give them the opportunity to both develop and practice their general bike handling and cycling skills. Frog Bikes have kindly donated a fleet of their bikes for the young riders to use during the session, or alternatively they will be more than welcome to bring their own bike along to learn on.

Re: Cycling lessons for 6 year olds

by sezwedz » Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:28 am

try Luv Handles, they are located on Bolingbroke grove and do some sort of cycle tuition. ... e-beginner

Re: Cycling lessons for 6 year olds

by juliantenniscoach » Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:07 am

Why don't you pop in the bike shop on Northcote near the Bollingbroke? They're family orientated. Also check as they might have community sessions as many councils do.

Cycling lessons for 6 year olds

by busyworkingmum » Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:03 am

Hi There

I was just wondering if anybody knew of any cycling instructors in London whoi could help my son learn to ride a bike. He can balance for a few seconds but then comes off. I have tried tirelessly throughout the summer holidays but its justquie stressful for both of us, especially as most of his mates can now ride a bike without stabalisers, so he wants to be just like them.

I have taken the pedals off his smaller bike to make this into a balance bike, but he is too big for it!

Any recomendations would be received with open arms!


Busy Working Mum
