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Re: Toys / activity ideas for long haul flight with toddler

by Mellomumma » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:30 pm

Agree with all of the above and I will be honest and say when it comes to a long haul flight, allow the iPad and fill it with apps, games or TV cause it works. Also to add as well bead threading, shape sorting, zipper bag with stuff inside. Do the aisle walk and offer loads of snacks and water, very dehydrating on a plane

Re: Toys / activity ideas for long haul flight with toddler

by pie81 » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:13 pm

Mini magna doodle

Water Magic

But mainly ... iPad or iPhone. Load up with kid friendly apps and photos and episodes of in the night garden on I player. iPad worked far better than any other toy we brought to entertain our 18 month old.

You can also get a lot of mileage out of the plane itself eg items in the wash pack, plastic cup from meal tray etc can all be used to brush/feed teddy

Books are very popular at home but were surprisingly unpopular on the plane... could be because she was very tired though.

Re: Toys / activity ideas for long haul flight with toddler

by sarahroo » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:35 pm

Let your toddler watch things on your ipad, look at photos and draw on a scribbler on your ipad. Bring a few toys like small cars, small books, stickers, fav cuddly toy. Bring lots of snacks but idealy not sugary snacks if a night flight. Put your toddler in pjs if a night flight. Bring change of clothes incase they are sick.
Good luck!

Re: Toys / activity ideas for long haul flight with toddler

by Penguin80 » Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:02 am

How about a water doodle, you can get little books that have a magic pen that you put a small amount of water in and then when they go over the page in the book colours appear and then fade after a while so the book can be used again.
You can also get little doodle pads mini versions do the etch sketch type thing.
Lots of books if they like that kind of thing,
There are also packs of little cards you can get that have different activities on them for long flights not sure if they have one for toddlers but think eg are by usborne.
Althoigh I don't believe in long use the ipad has lots of games to keep toddlers amused, games like peekaboo zoo or barn, bugs and bubbles, curious George visits the zoo to name a few all fun but educational teaching about animals, colours, shapes etc.
Good luck

Toys / activity ideas for long haul flight with toddler

by hworsley » Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:52 am

Hi, just wondering if anyone's got any good ideas for light weight toys or activities I can give my 18 month old to keep her amused on a long haul flight? Thank you!
