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Re: 41 weeks pregnant - baby not engaged!

by alternativemidwife » Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:13 pm

I am an acupuncturist and midwife and know it is not easy for women who are past their due date. You can go to an acupuncturist to get your cervix ripened so that even if you are in hospital for induction but at least your cervix will be softened enough to cut down the induction time. Acupuncture does open up the cervix and start you in labour.

Re: 41 weeks pregnant - baby not engaged!

by Widger » Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:49 pm

Thanks so much ladies. I was induced 2nd time round earlier at 41 weeks due to baby lying almost transverse (yes it moved at that point!) and it was pretty intense but very quick so I'm not scared of that again, in fact after horrendous 1st time round, bring it on.

The longer I have to wait, the more stressed I'll become of baby moving again too so I will ask to be induced earlier and see what they say. Fingers crossed

Re: 41 weeks pregnant - baby not engaged!

by Pod » Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:46 pm

Hello there, I was induced at George's last year after my baby was two weeks over due, my baby's head never engaged until induction but they were not concerned at all. The staff were amazing, good luck xxx

Re: 41 weeks pregnant - baby not engaged!

by Pop » Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:55 pm

St. George's normal policy is to induce at 42 weeks (assuming it hasn't changed). However, I've been induced there twice at 41+3. Both times I asked to be induced 'early' because i was concerned about waiting until 42 weeks and they were fine with that.

Not sure if you've been induced before, but in case you have, or have heard horror stories... Things have improved a lot in the last couple of years at St G's and the most recent one I had (a year ago) was managed really well. They used a removable induction method so if contractions are going well they can stop the induction process and you don't end up with horrendous contractions.

Good luck!

Re: 41 weeks pregnant - baby not engaged!

by Widger » Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:58 pm

Thanks. I know I need to have patience but it seems harder going over this time round. Some people are just lucky never to go over due date.
Does anyone know if I will be induced at Georges after 41+3 appointment?

Re: 41 weeks pregnant - baby not engaged!

by schoolgatesmum » Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:12 pm

It is very normal for 2nd/3rd babies not to engage until labour begins. I'm very surprised the midwife didn't tell you this. Your uterus changes shape with your first birth. Have faith - your body has done it twice before, it knows what it's doing! I went 8 days over with my third (having been a day early with my first two) and I was pulling my hair out. I know it's difficult but the best thing to get labour going is to do nothing. Plan a day for yourself which doesn't involve anything to do with your other children or with babies and try and relax.

41 weeks pregnant - baby not engaged!

by Widger » Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:49 pm

I'm 41 weeks tomo and am pregnant with 3rd. I was late with both my previous children so expected it to happen again but this time baby is not even engaged! Midwife couldn't sweep me last Weds as baby's head was free. Has this happened to anyone else and they've gone into natural labour? I'm hoping baby will arrive on its own but wanted to know when St George's induce you? I don't think I could handle waiting 14 days over :(

