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Carpet cleaning - allergic reaction

by mumsw12 » Mon Jan 12, 2015 8:50 pm

We had our carpets cleaned on Friday am, all upstairs, including our toddler's room. The guy was finished by 9.30am and said the carpets were almost dry so I put my toddler to bed for usual lunchtime nap in his room without a second thought. Since then he has had a number of rashes/blisters appear in various places but going down quite quickly. Today his face looked a little puffy when he woke up this morning - again went down quite quickly plus he had a couple of blisters on his bottom. Then all went away but a few more bumps came up after being upstairs. Odd.

We've spoken to the nurse who says to monitor/keep a good diet for next day or so. He's not had anything new in his diet and so I wonder if it is the chemicals used? Wondered if anyone else has had an allergic reaction to carpet cleaning?

