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Re: Cookease Cookery classes for 2-4 year olds

by Levi78 » Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:02 am

Developing such hobbies in childhood is really great. I love cooking too but do not know much as I just started it. So I take help from cooking tips online, though it is helpful and easy but I want to be expert.

Cookease Cookery classes for 2-4 year olds

by cookease » Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:55 pm

Come and join in the fun at Cookease weekly cookery classes
giving children an early introduction to vital cooking skills in a
fun yet educational way.

Classes have started back this week with lots of delicious new recipes :D

Classes run on Tues : 9.30,10.30, & 13.30 & 14.30
Fri 9.30, & 14.30

Fridays are extremely popular and are now full for this term, but
spaces are still available in our Tuesday classes.

Please get in touch to book your Tuesday trial now.

If you are interested in a Friday class, please contact us asap in order to
book your trial for next term.

For further information :

