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Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by frustrated » Wed May 20, 2015 4:32 pm

Thanks for all the messages - the allergy angle is interesting.. my son did have reflux and allergies, but we thought he had grown out of those. We certainly aren't covered in vomit 24/7 anymore! But then I suppose allergies present themselves with very different symptoms, so perhaps that's worth pursuing, even if just to rule it out.

I've thought long and hard about this, and decided to get a second opinion from another GP to start with. I'm going to be a bit pushier this time as I just can't switch off the voice in my head telling me that something really isn't right with this.

And thank you too for those of you who provided recommendations of who to speak with / offered to speak with me personally. I'll be following up for sure.

If I get anywhere, I'll post back in case it helps out any other mums going through similar issues :)

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by Bubs » Wed May 20, 2015 10:37 am

I have had two fussy daughters, the second far worse than the first.
We're also under Rosan Meyer, via Gt Ormond Street (privately) and she's been such a support.

We did have a nutrional bloods check done which alleviated a lot of my worries, as she was (somehow ??) fine. Low iron stores, but the iron supplement really didn't agree with her - made her terribly constipated and sore, so just beware with that.

Ours has been attributed to gastro allergies too, so I feel like at least there's an underlying 'reason' ....... helpful to get the family off my back re: her eating habits, but donesnt help with the continual gnawing worry I feel.

She was born on 25th and has consistently been on or below the 2nd centile now. It's so hurtful when people comment on how tiny she is, but it's unavoidable.

I feel like my elder daughter probably had some underlying allergy issue which we never really picked up - I was young, she was my first, she wasn't *that* bad. So I feel more confident pushing with my second (who is now 3).

I'd definitely seek the help of a dietitian and have some nurtional blood checks done, for your comfort.

FYI we've been advised that bassets chewable vitamins are fine/helpful. I do slip in the odd drop of abidec where I can too.

It's a battle, and a very tough one for a Mum to endure. It's such a primal thing to want them to eat and grow strong.

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by BetteDavisEyes » Tue May 19, 2015 9:40 pm

Toddler fussiness is so normal, but it normally kicks in around the time that they start toddling, and isn't so usual in a baby - on that basis I would try to get again to get a referral. Occupational therapists do look at 'sensory registration' (I'm not one, I just used to live with one and we chatted about it) and you mention that your little boy is also not keen on some textures when he's playing - it may be that he has high registration through touch. My toddler is also very fussy, but it started when he started to walk (which is typical) and I was also a very fussy eater as a child - normal toddler fussiness is largely hereditary, apparently.

One thing that might be worth trying: can you get him to play with food and textures as much as possible? Ie breadmaking, homemade playdough. Hand painting with paints. Squishing foods. Mud pies in the garden. It won't make him start tucking into other foods overnight, but increasing his acceptance of new sensations (touch and smell) could help in the long-term. Let him play with food as much as possible with no pressure for him to try it. Indulging in lots of messy play helps with all kinds of development.

Good luck - I think you're right to look at this properly now as if there are any issues, the earlier you get help, the better. If all's fine and it's just a phase, nothing lost.

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by KVDB » Mon May 18, 2015 8:33 am

We are going through exactly the same with my three year old daughter at the moment. Except that she has no weight issues but it effects her life in terms of her behaviour. Because she has no weight issues we have had to go privately and all I can say is the dietician and consultant have taken her case seriously and Although we thought it was all behavioural they both agree it most likely stems from allergies so we are investigating that at the moment. The gastro consultant told us we were very late to be coming to see him, so I would go back to your GP as it seems that there are things that can be done and the people you are referred too will be happy to see you and help. If you get no-where and have to go privately we contacted Dr Rosan Mayer who was highly recommended to us I haven't met her yet as she had a long wait list but she has been so helpful on Email. Good Luck.

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by beachdreaming » Mon May 18, 2015 12:34 am

Me again. I kept thinking about your son and went back and checked my Nutrition Text book (Nutrition Through the Lifecycle 5th Edition)- I just took a course last Fall. This could be totally off but I thought it was worth including as something to discuss with a doctor for screening. Does your son have any possible signs of developmental delay? Even paediatricians can miss it. Attached is a chart of dietary symptoms, other symptoms include drinking liquids excessively and eating foods preferred by younger children. Delay in speech or social integration. "Offering food textures that he or she can eat successfully even is a monotonous daily intake results, or continuing to offer liquids in a bottle, may be appropriate choices in these circumstances." Adding variety is not always the best option in this case- "soft textures and mild tastes of preferred foods characterise a child closer to 1 year of age. The foods the child dislikes require higher oral skills. An evaluation of the child's overall level of functioning will likely indicate a developmental delay of the child's feeding skills."

This isn't to scare you but I would hate it if I was too blasé and you overlooked a potential problem. I go into the GP armed with information and keep pressing to see a specialist or get a needed test. That's what I did for the iron testing and the GP was surprised that I was right. Trust your instincts and at least exhaust all possibilities. Again good luck.
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Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by chattymama » Mon May 18, 2015 12:00 am

This must be v stressful for you. I know you said money is an issue but I have a dear old friend who is a therapist & feeding consultant, who has helped with lots of really challenging cases. Though originally from London she's based up north (so not london prices!) and does lots of long distance advice over Skype.

Her email is - I'm pretty sure it costs nothing to have an initial chat & see if it's for you).

Good luck, whatever you decide to do.

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by beachdreaming » Sun May 17, 2015 11:05 pm

Sorry, I keep rereading your post and catching new things- the lack of energy is worrying. It might be worth checking for iron deficiency- I had to press the GP for it. It's very common and lethargy is a symptom. We did a blood test at Evelina children's hospital and they were wonderful. Good luck.

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by beachdreaming » Sun May 17, 2015 10:57 pm

Also, very normal for kids to not like certain textures and go through phases. I also lie down with my son to go to sleep- actually we cosleep too and that's also totally normal for them to like to cuddle/ stroke hair to go to sleep so I wouldn't say he has sensory issues at all. Some experts try to get people to wean children off all needs from their parents so they're not too dependent on you when most cultures around the world cosleep and hold their children am the time. Your son sounds very normal and healthy and research shows the more love and cuddles you give, the earlier your child will become independent and more self confident.

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by beachdreaming » Sun May 17, 2015 10:48 pm

Hi, my son is almost two and in the 9th percentile too. Have you read "My Child won't eat?" It can be totally normal for kids to not eat much. Especially between 2 and 4. As long as he is fine developmentally and he isn't dropping two or more chart bars like 75th to 25th the doctor said he should be fine. I did check mine for iron deficiency several months ago because it is standard in the US as we had some high risk factors for iron deficiency (csection and breastfed) but no visible signs other than toe nail depressions. It was worth it and he is on iron supplements now. I can't know if his growth spurt is related but he is still lean regardless. We do natures plus vitamin drops and D drops with the iron too. Good luck. Important thing is to make sure your child is not forced to eat and builds a healthy relationship with food. Sometimes hiding veggies in things they like can help too- like baking them into muffins, etc.

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by Zaczac » Sun May 17, 2015 5:45 pm

My son had a rating issue started from about six weeks old. We went through dietician and Speech:Language therapist.
If you need any particular advice please send me questions...x

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by Pod » Sat May 16, 2015 7:39 pm

Hi there,
I totally empathise with your situation not only have I worked on a one to one basis with children in a similar situation to your child for over ten years, my own daughter also has texture and sensory problems with food too.
Drop me PM and we can organise to have a chat this week to see if I can help you
Director and Founder
Mange tout

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by Earlsfieldite » Sat May 16, 2015 7:11 pm

Nightmare. I can understand why you are worried.
You've probably tried all of this but in case not:
- always eat meals with him and emphasise how delicious your food is.
- try him in a different place/different people eg at a grandma's house without you there.
- get him to help you to cook the meal.
- make faces, animals etc out of the food.
- say that if he at least tries one mouthful he can have some dessert. This at least breaks the barrier of him even trying something.

In general I've found that you have to keep on putting things in front of kids even if they say they don't like them. It took almost two years of doing that before my son ate tomato and quite a few 'I don't want that on my plate' tantrums but it worked in the end. Easy to give them a narrower and narrower range of food otherwise. I'm no expert but I have done some child nutrition courses and the above is just that/stuff that's worked for people I know.

Hope you get it sorted.

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by LP73 » Sat May 16, 2015 7:23 am

My nephew was like this too and eventually grew out of it. So long as your toddler isn't losing weight then hopefully that will happen too.

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by frustrated » Fri May 15, 2015 11:20 am

I've been putting off joining the mumsnet brigade up until now, but you are right - it's worth a shot!

I've also just called my doctors surgery to ask to see another doctor for a second opinion as the more I think about it, the more I feel they didn't really listen or understand… I know the NHS is at breaking point resource-wise and it's not all their fault, but perhaps I'll get a more sympathetic doctor next time...

Re: Just can't get my toddler to eat, and doctor won't help!

by 2009Kat » Fri May 15, 2015 11:16 am

That sounds like a nightmare you poor thing. I can't help with any suggestions although it does sound like you both need some help - I wonder if somewhere like mumsnet might yield more suggestions etc.
