by lalectrice » Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:06 pm
I can sympathise with this, having a three-year-old who is very Mummyish and anxious about new situations, being left with other people etc. In our case, I found role play extremely helpful when it came to tackling preschool. In our safe, friendly home environment we did absolutely loads of it, repeating situations again and again and gradually varying roles at her instigation. So, for e.g., she was herself and I was, variously, the mummy, the teacher and another child (a friendly one and on other occasions one who snatched or said something nasty). Eventually she gained the confidence to try out being those characters too. We repeated identical or similar scenarios many times over a period of weeks (pretty boring for you, I'm afraid!) and I was amazed at how effective it was at empowering her to feel more confident and in control of the situation, as well as allowing her to experiment with different types of response or situation. She also really enjoyed the role play from a creative perspective. I've since tried the same thing before other scary situations, like getting her booster shot at the doctor's, and been delighted at how well it works.
I can sympathise with this, having a three-year-old who is very Mummyish and anxious about new situations, being left with other people etc. In our case, I found role play extremely helpful when it came to tackling preschool. In our safe, friendly home environment we did absolutely loads of it, repeating situations again and again and gradually varying roles at her instigation. So, for e.g., she was herself and I was, variously, the mummy, the teacher and another child (a friendly one and on other occasions one who snatched or said something nasty). Eventually she gained the confidence to try out being those characters too. We repeated identical or similar scenarios many times over a period of weeks (pretty boring for you, I'm afraid!) and I was amazed at how effective it was at empowering her to feel more confident and in control of the situation, as well as allowing her to experiment with different types of response or situation. She also really enjoyed the role play from a creative perspective. I've since tried the same thing before other scary situations, like getting her booster shot at the doctor's, and been delighted at how well it works.