by sophiethea » Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:58 pm
I was at the Ickle pickle summer party today on Wandsworth Common and managed to lose my glasses. Totally lost without them as only other pair are prescription sunglasses and they take 2 weeks to re-make. If anyone has seen them I would be so grateful otherwise will look like total numpty indoors for some time! They are black framed chanel glasses in a quilted case. Reward offered if found/returned
I was at the Ickle pickle summer party today on Wandsworth Common and managed to lose my glasses. Totally lost without them as only other pair are prescription sunglasses and they take 2 weeks to re-make. If anyone has seen them I would be so grateful otherwise will look like total numpty indoors for some time! They are black framed chanel glasses in a quilted case. Reward offered if found/returned