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Re: mother's help wanted - start immediately

by CorTGNC » Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:18 am

Good Morning,

I have seen on NVN that you are looking for some child care help. I wanted to offer our services to you from we are a household placement agency offering 25% off our already competitive fees for new clients this autumn. Should you require any help with your role, please do contact us and we can go through your requirements and let you know if we are able to assist in your search. Looking at your job specification, we don't feel we will have any problems. You can contact us directly at should you wish to learn more.

Nanny fees from £599
Mothers Help fees from £399
Au Pair fees from £149

I look forward to hearing from you.

Warmest regards,

Corinne Hayes
TGNC Recruitment

mother's help wanted - start immediately

by BatterseaDad » Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:41 am


Our 4 year old boy is settled in reception and our 14 month old daughter is happy at a lovely nursery - but we really need an extra pair of hands to help out when they come home.

We're looking for someone to come five days a week from 4pm to 7pm.

We're in the Little India estate between Battersea Park Rd and Falcon Rd.

Duties would include helping get their tea ready, reading with the 4yo, entertaining the toddler, mucking in with bath time and getting the kitchen looking civilised again.

Please contact me if you're interested. The sooner you can start, the better.

Look forward to hearing from you, and do include wage expectations.

