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Re: Dolphin school parents

by mealsonwheels » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:31 pm

I am so glad someone has brought this topic up. It's a nightmare to get past in the morning and I don't want to cross the road as I would need to cross back again soon after Dolphin School to get to our destination and there isn't another crossing for ages.

When we visited Santa at Hamptons on the Nth rd Christmas Fete, there seemed to be a very orderly queue for people waiting to see him, so I think it's very possible in this case too.

Re: Dolphin school parents

by JamTart » Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:40 pm

I am also a Dolphin parent. The issue when dropping off or picking up at Dolphin is that there is no playground or other area in which parents can congregate. I agree that things can become a bit congested on the pavement, especially if parents are deep in in conversation and a double buggy needs to pass! The school has put in place staggered pick-ups to help minimise the problem and is very hot on reminding parents to be considerate. It is not a perfect situation, but please don't hesitate to ask us to skip out of the way if necessary.

Re: Dolphin school parents

by Vhopeful » Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:15 pm

Sorry not meant to sound as a grudge it was genuinely the only school I've had the problem with but I obviously don't walk by them all.
Froggiemummy appreciate your comment, you can but try :-) no-one is perfect.

Re: Dolphin school parents

by Busymumof3! » Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:38 pm

I feel there may be a bigger agenda here or a personal grudge is being aired.
I drop off at 3 different schools/nurseries in the morning and I would have to say that any nursery/school on a main road has this issue. On a side road, parents have places to linger out of the way of the general footfall. I find these parents no more discourteous or pavement hogging than the traffic jam around Thomas's, the pavement mess around Honeywell where it joins Northcote road or various nurseries on trinity road. I think it is a case of having a go at one school when really it is a problem across many places. Other schools just get away with it because they aren't in the route of people running late trying to get somewhere.

Re: Dolphin school parents

by froggiemummy » Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:19 pm

As a Dolphin parent I can promise that we always try to do our best to keep the pavements clear - and are aware that it's not always perfect!

Re: Dolphin school parents

by lemonzest » Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:28 pm

Vhopeful, I have no connection to the school, but I would suggest that your best course of action might be to call the school office if parents/carents queueing on the pavement is a regular inconvenience to you. I'm sure that they will happily make them aware.

Re: Dolphin school parents

by Vhopeful » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:54 pm

Sorry sveil that should of said Boobelle as I agree with you.

Re: Dolphin school parents

by Vhopeful » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:48 pm

S_veil26 I'm shocked that you would mention refugees with relation to this post I was merely pointing out that it would be nice if people could just be mindful that others also want to use the footpath. I never for one minute take what I have for granted so I don't know why you would imply I do as you know nothing at all about me.

In general I think this area could do with everyone showing everyone else a bit more consideration and respect :-)

Re: Dolphin school parents

by s_veil26 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:18 pm

I think we know that when you have to resort to Syrian refugees to win a point you have lost the debate (pretty shameless in my opinion)....

Re: Dolphin school parents

by Boobelle » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:11 pm

I'm not conected to the school, and you are bothe really over reacting, in my opinion. The original poster was very sarcastic, just gave her and sarcastic opposite point of view. There is an interesting post on here on Syrian refugees, I really recommend it, makes you appreciate how lucky we are and how insignificant our "problems" are... Anyway, have a nice afternoon!

Re: Dolphin school parents

by s_veil26 » Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:44 pm

Sorry. I completely agree with vhopeful. I find myself having to say 'excuse me' several times before I'm able to pass on my way to collect my children from nursery on salcott rd. To the other poster, I believe the school is proud of its Christian values and I can't see how insisting other people cross the road is a particularly good advocate of these values. We are all neighbours, lets just be respectful of that!

Re: Dolphin school parents

by Vhopeful » Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:33 am

Yes there is I need to go up bennerly road with my 2 young kids and so I need to cross at the zebra crossing before Dolphin.

Also as a side note Dolphin don't own the pavements so I think having the parents stay to one side isn't too much to ask.

Re: Dolphin school parents

by Boobelle » Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:55 pm

Is there a particular reason that you can't just cross the road?

Dolphin school parents

by Vhopeful » Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:25 pm

Is there a particular reason dolphin school parents can't Q to one side of the pavement for school drop off rather than take up the entire pavement every morning. All other nurseries/schools seem to have a nice orderly(well maybe chaotic) system but Dolphin parents think they can just block everyone's way past the building.
