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Re: IPL on face for skin pigmentation?

by Abbmun » Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:30 pm

I have had a course of Ipl skin rejuvenation treatments for Rosacea at purity on Clapham high street. Been incredibly effective not only at treating redness but also fine lines etc. It has taken the colour completely out of a mole so I imagine would be very effective for pigmentation. Bit painful ie makes you jump especially over areas with lots of redness but nothing unbearable. The guy who does it at purity is called mark and has been practising it for years, it's heavily regulated now in the uk.

IPL on face for skin pigmentation?

by Roxron » Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:56 pm

Hi, do any of you lovely people have any experience of the effectiveness of IPl laser for reducing skin pigmentation, red veins etc..
Also any recommendations on where to go locally?

Thank you
