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Re: Baby not eating when teething, help!

by Munchkinsmum » Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:44 pm

Thank you so much Fairylights and amber100! My son is 9 months and it is reassuring to know what the health visitor said. I am just worried he will become a fussy eater but hopefully it is just a phase and will pass. Thanks for sharing your experiences x

Re: Baby not eating when teething, help!

by amber100 » Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:36 pm

I am going through the same thing with my son at the moment. I had a word with our health visitor and she said it was perfectly normal and as long as they are getting plenty of milk it is fine nutrient wise - he is eight months.
Good luck : )

Re: Baby not eating when teething, help!

by Fairylights » Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:48 pm

My elder daughter did exactly the same thing when she was about 1 and her molars were coming through. I tried all sorts but in the end all she really ate was some soft brioche type buns and yogurts which she could squeeze directly into her mouth. It took a good week before she ate properly again.

Baby not eating when teething, help!

by Munchkinsmum » Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:00 pm

My little one is teething and has totally gone off his food. He will only drink milk or eating Organix sweet corn rings. I am at my wits end having tried spoon feeding and baby led feeding but nothing is working. I have given him nurofen and calpol at various times and tried cool purees/yoghurts from the fridge but nothing is helping. Is this normal? We are on day 5. My only comfort is that he is drinking milk but I am worried he is not getting enough nutrients etc. Any advice would be much appreciated!! Thank you x
