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Re: Sreatham & Clapham High

by schools ldn » Mon May 16, 2016 7:45 am

My daughter moved from another Balham prep to SCHS in year 1, because she wanted more space, diversity and single-sex. She has absolutely loved it, and we have never looked back. She is really engaged with creative days, music, various themed dress up days, trips, sports, productions. Homework gets done with joy and inspiration. Parents are lovely and inclusive. Teachers and head are positive, nurturing and in touch. She takes the coach there (a minivan) and that is a good experience as well.

Re: Sreatham & Clapham High

by Confus_ed » Wed May 11, 2016 6:43 pm

Thanks for the reply wheresmyschool. That confirms the impression we got when we looked around and from talking to friends with children there.

Re: Sreatham & Clapham High

by LostInSW12 » Wed May 11, 2016 3:11 pm

Very interested in this as currently trying to decide between SCHS Prep and the White House for my daughter. I loved the feel of SCHS, but had been concerned that it didn't have the greatest reputation academically, and that she may not be prepped for 11+ should she wish to move then- but sounds as if senior school may be a great option regardless...?

Re: Sreatham & Clapham High

by LostInSW12 » Wed May 11, 2016 3:08 pm

Really interested in this, as am currently trying to decide between SCHS Prep and the White House for my daughter. Had been concerned that SCHS prep and senior didn't have the greatest reputation academically, but sounds as if that may be changing. Was also concerned that she may not be prepped for the 11+ exams at SCHS should she want to move, but again, sounds as if SCHS senior would be a great option regardless...?

Re: Sreatham & Clapham High

by LostInSW12 » Wed May 11, 2016 3:05 pm

Really interested in this, as am currently trying to decide between SCHS Prep and the White House for my daughter - had been concerned that SCHS has traditionally not had a great reputation academically, but sounds like that is changing...? I loved the feel of the school when we looked round...

Re: Sreatham & Clapham High

by Wheresmyschool? » Wed May 11, 2016 12:03 pm

Its a great school.

SCHS used to be, and this is going back about three years, the "banker" school for children who couldn't get into the more academic school. If one wanted to be really mean one would say that Alleyns/JAGS then Emanuel and then SCHS was the pecking order for 11+ day schools around here for girls.

This is NO longer the case and I can't be clearer about that. There is a newish head, they don't have to access their waiting lists any more and SCHS is a genuine standalone school choice that parents who don't feel comfortable with the co-ed or more academic/pressurised atmospheres of JAGS/Alleyns/Emanuel pro-actively choose.

I have a number of friends there at both junior and senior and they love it. It's kind, nurturing and a lovely lovely environment. I don't know anyone who regrets their decision and thats certainly not the case with some others.

Hope that helps!

Sreatham & Clapham High

by Confus_ed » Tue May 10, 2016 1:28 pm

Our daughter is at a local prep but for various reasons we are looking to move her.

She's been offered a place at SCHS Prep and we really liked it when we visited but I'm keen to do as much research possible to make sure we get it right this time.

So would appreciate any feedback from anyone with experience of the school (both Prep and Senior as we'd hope she'd go all the way through).

Thanks in advance.
