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Re: High Needs

by silviahm » Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:09 am

@HighNeedBaby how are you getting on?

Re: High Needs

by silviahm » Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:40 am

I totally agree about trying the cranial osteopath route but closer to home and probably more reasonable is Julia Finlay Clapham family osteopath. I've used her for me and my son and she has healing hands. It's v possible she can find the reason for the distress that has now made your little boy so overtired and you could possibly do with a session as the stress of the last year will have had its long term effect on you too.

Good luck

Re: High Needs

by silviahm » Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:38 am

I totally agree about trying the cranial osteopath route but closer to home and probably more reasonable is Julia Finlay Clapham family osteopath. I've used her for me and my son and she has healing hands. It's v possible she can find the reason for the distress that has now made your little boy so overtired and you could possibly do with a session as the stress of the last year will have had its long term effect on you too. (or

Good luck

Re: High Needs

by AbundantGoddess » Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:32 am

My now 17 month year old had a difficult birth and so I took him to Naval Mair Osteopath & Cranial Sacral (Royal Victoria Patriotic Building nr Wands Common). He was treated by Naval - who specialises in babies (he's expensive, but worth it). Naval just 'knows' stuff - he works very fast and is very effective. He completely calmed down my little boy's system, released a huge amount of tension - my little boy is also very sensitive, he would be on me constantly after birth (we had to get rid of our TV in the end). Anyway I take him back every few months and within 2 sessions he's so chilled again. I don't know if that's useful, but Naval is worth a try if you haven't already tried him - I have continued to recommend him over the last 17 months and everyone I've recommended him to is eternally grateful.

Re: High Needs

by LastMumStanding » Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:15 am

So sorry to hear this - I feel for you guys. I am reluctant to offer any advice without first understanding if your little one has had a full medical investigation to rule out gastric problems, allergies/intolerances etc. In my experience these can often be missed/under-appreciated by busy GPs so I would only encourage you to keep pressing and seeking second opinions till you get answers - no one (adult or child) should have to live like this. Being chronically overtired is not good for anyone. Good luck.

High Needs

by HighNeedBaby » Fri Sep 30, 2016 2:07 pm

I am a mum to high needs toddler, looking for other mums in the same boat as me...

I have one son aged 13m from day one have been complete livewires and from early on. Any noise will wake him and he cannot self settle. He wakes every 3/4 hours at night as well. He gets hysterical, and i mean HYSTERICAL if i put him down even for a moment and screams and screams til i come back into the room and pick him up. He is soooo loud when he cries and will cry til he is almost sick. We've yet to manage eating a meal together as a family since he was born. He is really sensitive to stimulation, but wants to be entertained constantly and seems frustrated he can't do the things he wants to. Hope to find some good advices. Thanks a lot!
