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Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by susiep23 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:12 pm

i agree with smfc's post. Id have am nap between hours of 9am and 10.30am (an hour ish) and try making his afterrnoon nap earlier than 3 but say around 1pm to 3 ish (1 1/2 to 2 hours is good at this age for pm nap) then hopefully he wont nap past 3pm and u can try bedtime a little earlier and see whats happens.

Thats the routine i had my previous charges in at 10 mths (twins) and they woke at 7ish in the morn. They did wake on occasion like most babies (teeth etc) but usually slept thru and iv established my new charge in same routine and he doing well with it but he just six mths and still sometimes wakes wanting bottle or because of teeth sometimes usually around 1am but will then go through till 7 ish also.

Suggestion: is you're child in night nappies to sleep?? some babies are v sensitive to wet skin. This happend with the twins i looked after and me and thier mum put them into night nappies as a try out and I think it helped :)

Hope may help, good luck in you're try outs :)

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by murgs » Tue May 24, 2011 12:40 pm

Problem sorted got blind fitted and now sleeps until our bed!

oops well one problem at a time!

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by murgs » Tue May 17, 2011 9:31 am

Cheers for all the responses, will definately get a blackout blind, today I thought is must be time to get up for work but it was 5.40!!

Little one not been well so plus side is he's sleeping later. but have to start all over again when he's better. annoying;y was so tired put him in my bed for 4 nights now. No doubt he'll make a fuss about sleeping in his cot now!

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by MamanMummy » Mon May 16, 2011 5:18 pm

My 12-month son did exactly the same about two months ago when the days started getting longer - having been a very big sleeper since birth (12-hour nights and two 3-hour naps during the day) it was a huge shock to us. I explored the food/ changing nap times tricks but what worked was to put blackout sheets directly on the window, on top of the blackout blinds and blackout curtains. Now his room is pitch black and he sleep until 7.30/ 8am, still not great versus his winter patern but perfectly acceptable for us. I found them at JojoMamanBebe on Northcote Road.

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by leslos » Mon May 16, 2011 2:06 pm

My son who is now 20 months was doing almost exactly the same. I tried everything - bed later, more food, blackout blinds and no matter what he still woke up at 5.30/6.00 each day. At 10 months he was having two sleeps 9.30 and then at 1.30 for a total of about 4 hours. My solution was to put some toys into his cot when I went to bed so when he woke up he had something to play with. I also left him in his cot for a bit longer each day. Now he still wakes up at 6 but will happily play in his cot until 6.45 and as you will know that extra 45 minutes makes a huge difference.

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by Oeuf » Mon May 16, 2011 1:57 pm

Hello! I would say almost definitely the light mornings if it has started relatively recently. Our 3yr-old has always done the same (i.e. started waking earlier as the mornings get lighter). Ditto waking a lot in the night (but not crying or calling for me, just chatting to himself till he goes back to sleep), but I read up on this and apparently babies and young children do not sleep in the same way as we do .. they tend to have a lot more REM sleep and will have regular waking intervals during the night. W's are generally at around 11pm and 3am, but he always gets himself back to sleep and I very rarely have to go in. If your wee one is self-soothing, then I wouldn't worry about it at all. W wakes earlier during the summer even with his blackout, but is generally happy to play in his bed/ flick through books so I don't bother going in until 7. It sucks because you're awake, but at least you're still in bed!

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by ckwmum » Fri May 13, 2011 9:45 am

My 11 month old son is going through a similar phase. Isn't it brilliant?!

What happens if you ignore him when he wakes up early? Is he waking up crying? Sometimes if I just hand my son some toys he plays quite happily and nods off again chatting to them.

Might also be that his pm nap is too late? He sounds like he does a huge stretch between morning and afternoon nap, then not so long til bedtime. Hoe long is his morning nap? If he does a half hr or so in the morning, he could be ready for another nap as early as 12 or 12.30. Then if he does a longer stretch up to bedtime at 7.30ish, he should be tired enough to sleep for longer. But hey, every baby is different - you know your son better than anyone! And this is only how it works some of the time for my son.

Where does he sleep during the day? If its in his cot with the curtains closed then the light might not be what's bothering him as he can do it during the day. It might just be something in him is changing, as they always do with babies.

Sorry, I don't know if any of that is helpful...

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by gail0810 » Thu May 12, 2011 11:27 pm

My nine month old daughter does exactly the same thing too. She normally goes to bed by 7-7.30pm and wakes anytime from 5.45-6am. 7am would be a real lie-in! I don't normally give her her milk until 7am, so I bring her into our bed and she's very happy to play with her toys (just not on her own in her cot). She isn't a big eater and I try everything I can to get the calories down her, so will give more carbs a try at tea, as well as the blackout blinds.

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by Georgie_LikeMinders » Thu May 12, 2011 2:26 pm

my 10 month old does exactly the same and I'm pretty sure that he is not eating enough food and so waking as he's hungry even if he doesn't show it. Maybe try loading up with lots of food and especially carbs in the evening and see if it helps. It's amazing how 7am now seems like a lie-in! Good luck!

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by Erykah » Thu May 12, 2011 1:51 pm

this company is great for easy, quick delivery portable black out blinds
approx £30 for a Victorian sash window size window

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by ready2pop » Thu May 12, 2011 1:17 pm

I think you might be right about it being the light. Both of my mine woke at that sort of time until we had black out blinds and curtainns put up in their rooms.

If I were you I'd try blacking the windows out with cardboard or paper for a few nights. If that makes a difference buy some proper blackouts. If not at least you haven't wasted any money.

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by murgs » Thu May 12, 2011 11:34 am

Thanks for replies.

He sucks his thumb at night.

Maybe I'll earlier bedtime, he went to bed half an hour earlier last night but still was restless. I think its a case of trial and error or just wait till he grows out of it!

I hate mornings! I used to be a night owl so this is awful!

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by SFMC » Thu May 12, 2011 9:25 am

Maybe try putting him to bed earlier. Overtired babies have more trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. It seem illogical to put to bed earlier to wake up later but soemtimes it works. Maybe put his 3pm nap back to 1pm and put to bed at 7 or 7:30pm?

My 10 month old wakes between 6 and 6:30am (he goes to bed at 7pm). On occasion he stirs at 5:45am. It seems 6ish is quite common as a wake up time.
How I now wish for a 7am start....

Good luck!

Re: Why 10 month old waking so early!

by dancing_queen59 » Thu May 12, 2011 8:55 am

Does he have a dummy?x
