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Re: thomas's battersea or Newton prep

by Genie » Thu Dec 01, 2016 12:09 pm

Generally I get the feeling that Thomas's is more traditional and strict, while NP is more open, less disciplinarian, and accepting of diversity.

Re: thomas's battersea or Newton prep

by Kim Wild » Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:19 am

I hope more people will share their experiences about both schools ...

Re: thomas's battersea or Newton prep

by Kim Wild » Thu Nov 10, 2016 1:04 pm

We just accepted a place at the Newton prep nursery and I am sure i will have the same dilemma as yours next year. We will attend an interview and Thomas's so if we get offers from both schools I will be truly torn. Love Newton prep and Im sure my son will get used to it from the nursery and have friends there. I also fell in love with Thomas's Battersea and find lots of sports opportunities there. Well balanced school. So not sure which one of the 2 I would go for and hoping to have more clear view in a year time...

Re: thomas's battersea or Newton prep

by evieandrose » Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:08 am

I don't have children at either, but I looked at Newton Prep and loved it. The art department, library and general 'feel' of the school was lovely, and the children seemed happy and confident. I think they are quite different schools though. When you say 'better', do you mean academically?

thomas's battersea or Newton prep

by Svetlana2016 » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:03 pm

Is any suggestion which school is better? We are currently choosing between Thomas's Battersea and Newton prep. Could you please share your experience about these schools?
