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Re: Anyone with experience of paediatric constipation/ encopresis

by Noles » Tue Aug 28, 2018 10:38 pm


Yes us too, similar sort of age.

We waited too long to see a GP about it (almost a year) but thankfully on our second visit had an understanding one who referred us to a paediatric consultant GP at St George’s who prescribed similar medication to you (she didn’t think it was psychological). It was tweaked over the course of about 3 months but we saw results by the second appointment and it was sorted within the 3 months. Various books gave me suggestions and that with some bribery, tricks and the medication broke the spell. You probably already know but feet flat on the floor/a step is a tremendous help. We also blew bubbles on the toilet and whistles. I misunderstood the movicol instructions at first so wasted a while over diluting it - this is a common issue. It comes in chocolate flavour too but you need to order it in and be persistent in requesting it. I also recommend ERIC as a resource - they have a helpline - and want to reassure you that this is not as unusual as you may think and is in most cases resolved quite easily once you manage to see the right doctor. I appreciate that’s your stumbling block at the moment but I only have the name of my NHS GP consultant and you may want/need someone more specialist. But yes, it drove me crazy too. Hang in there. I barely remember it now but it was an horrific 18 months or so, mostly suffered before we saw a consultant.

Re: Anyone with experience of paediatric constipation/ encopresis

by nataliedegrouchy » Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:21 am

I can recommend talking to this charity when we were in a similar situation - they may well be able to recommend someone

Re: Anyone with experience of paediatric constipation/ encopresis

by rooting4tooting » Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:23 am we had the same thing where our child retained. went down various routes. Our child would only poo in underwear.
In the end were referred to paediatric phycologist dept at st Georges and she aced it in one session (after so much upset for us)
I don't know if the fix was the technique or being spoken to by a phycologist!!!
But the technique was to cover the water in the bowl with toilet paper!!! From day one... you explain.. after years..

Anyone with experience of paediatric constipation/ encopresis

by EBla » Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:30 am

Hi NVNers

My daughter aged 3.5 yrs has been suffering with constipation for around a year. We were probably too slow in our initial reaction going down the prune juice path, followed by an unsympathetic gatekeeper GP. We were eventually taken seriously and were offered laxatives  (movicol: messy, followed by lactulose: ineffective). We're now back on movicol along with dulcolax.

I am looking for recommendations for paediatrician's, paediatric gastroenterologists (or anyone that can help!) that others may have used in this situation. We have cracked open my husband's health insurance to take her to a paediatrician but feel that the level of support that we are currently receiving is not much better than that received from the GP - lack of follow up / feeling there is a masterplan.

It is causing a lot of stress and tension in the house affecting relationships with everyone (including those with our son) due to our frazzled nerves. My daughter is due to be starting  the nursery of the local primary school in September and I am honestly questioning whether they will take her like this (or whether I will have to jack in my job to become an on call toilet attendant). I am equally anxious for her on a social level and the effect this could have on her confidence and ability to make friends. I feel like my mental health is suffering and that this could also be exacerbating the is very hard to keep a sunny disposition when you've gone through 5 pairs of knickers!

Any guidance from those who have trodden this road before would be gratefully received 
