I am a former maternity nurse, I am happy to chat with you about your expectations, most maternity nurses are just their for you and the baby, duties do include doing the babies laundry but not the household laundry, some maternity nurses are happy to cook for the whole family most don't do cooking at all.
I would suggest the 24x5 to begin with maybe cutting down in the last few weeks.
Look carefully at the contracts generally once a maternity nurse has started you will have to pay them the whole booking fee if you decide to cancel. After all it is very hard to find a short notice job to fill the gap.
Use an agency rather than booking direct it gives you some back up.
As a first time Mum pick someone with experience rather than a new maternity nurse looking for experience. Second time around I recommend a newbie who you can help shape into a good maternity nurse.
Recommendations don't work that well all the time unless you met them and saw your friends maternity nurse style.
Have a maternity nurse that is flexible with regards to routine, I have had clients ask for a structured routine only to realise they hate it and want no routine at all which I didn't mind.
Tell them what you think you want now but mention this may change you never know what's going to happen.
Unless you are having a c-section start date needs to be flexible I would always say two to three weeks after due date for a first time Mum although baby may come early so again some flexibility in the contract ask what bookings they have in place already.
If you don't want to go down the agency route I am happy to put you in touch with some maternity nurses (I don't charge a group of us got together we have a Facebook group where we share jobs and started the maternity nurse conference where we got to meet up for a weekend meaning I know quite a few face to face)
I am also happy to recommend agencies to you and of course I should totally recommend my own company for baby clothes
Good luck with your search. X