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Re: Plane noise around Prince of Wales Drive

by Overstrand » Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:44 pm

We are about to buy a flat in Prince of Wales Drive and wondered if anyone has experience of the aircraft noise over there? It’s hard to imagine at the moment! 

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by Londongardener » Mon Apr 06, 2020 8:47 am

I live by Wandsworth Common and if the wind is coming from the West then, as described in other posts, the flight path to Heathrow runs in a band roughly from the Thames down to Balham.  If from the East then the approach is over Windsor so we don't see or hear the aircraft.  BTW the first plane at 04h30 is usually the BA Hong Kong flight.   Actually I love the planes, being a bit of a geek plane spotter, so having lived here for over 20 years the occasional noise has never bothered me at all.  The sirens of the emergency services are much more intrusive, but again there is no complaint about this either.  Cities are noisy, that's why we love them!

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by GJM » Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:43 pm

Anybody else loving the evenings without noise pollution from the planes?

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by boonkoh » Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:04 pm

I live just off Temperley Road, so south of Clapham Common in the Nightingale Triangle.

I don't notice the plane noise at all while at home, but I live in a home with double glazing throughout and good insulation. But even when I have the windows open during the day over the summer, I don't hear it at all.

In the last year, I've noticed the plane noise maybe once or twice while walking to the station, and usually I only notice the sound after I see the plane (so it is not intrusive enough on its own if that makes sense).

I do notice though that when I go to Wandsworth Common or Northcote Road area, that I have noticed the plane sound is louder than in the Nightingale Triangle.

But just to stress, the sound does not bother you unless you're looking out for it, and it is very infrequent, IMO.

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by kulanz » Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:13 pm


I live in Clapham common over 10 years and notice more flights (at lease every min from 4:30am to around 11pm sometes till very late) The problem is it flyes increably low even though we are quite far from Heathrow since last August. I hope it’s only temporary.. otherwise we need to protest to government as well as Heathrow. How selfish decision they made! They did not consider the residents in south London. There are people who cannot just move out. Please see the link below. ... php?id=449

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by Jenny0620 » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:42 am

Thank you for the feedback!

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by AlexH11 » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:22 am

I agree with Labellalavanderina. We live just off Alderbrook Road and I'm very conscious of the noise from the early hours because it usually wakes both me and our 2 year old daughter up!  We have lived here for nearly 4 years now and the noise and frequency has definitely increased, particularly in the last year or so. It drives me mad!

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by Gardening SW8 » Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:30 pm

I have l lived opposite Battersea Park Station for 20 years and do not believe the plane noise has got any louder just earlier. First plane used to be at 6am but now it appears to be 04.30 (which I am now seriously struggling with) And yes it does depend on the wind as to which direction they come in from.

On another note I no longer live in Battersea but Battersea Park East as the developers that I am currently surrounded by have kindly renamed where I live, without consultation!

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by Labellalavanderina » Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:09 am

Quite bothersome. It is true that when the wind blows from the wrong direction the planes do not fly over London and all is quiet, but that is the exception. Usually half our family (myself and our infant school aged son) is woken up at 4.45am by a first flight (I assume from the Far East) and then it is one every couple of minutes from 6am. Generally they alternate so you get a noisy morning one day and a noisy afternoon the next, but we notice mornings mor.
This in a modern double-glazed house in the Nightingale Triangle.
We have actually looked at adding soundproofing but apparently not much can be done.

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by noisyneighbours » Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:49 am

We live off Nightingale Lane and don't really notice it at all. Only really notice it when on the Common (in the centre/bandstand way) and the planes are all lined up over it. Probably hear the ambulances racing up and down the A24 to get to St. George's than anything but even that doesn't have a massive impact. 


Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by chorister » Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:15 pm


You must be too young to know - and that actually makes you pretty lucky.  Sloaney Pony's comment is one of the great responses on this site!

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by Jenny0620 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:07 pm

What on earth are you talking about.

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by sloaney donkey » Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:41 pm

Back in 1980 when I was a personal secretary to a Government minister we had a small terrorist incident to contend with. Bunch of Iranians tricked into becoming terrorists by our friend Saddam Hussein.

The SAS wanted to drill through the wall of the Iranian embassy with a hand drill and listen to what the terrorists were saying. The terrorists heard the drill and threatened to start killing the hostages.

We had a long list of numbers and things we could try on the ‘Cobra’ list. At first, we called British Gas and got them to dig up the road outside. The terrorists clocked on. Then, on my suggestion, we got the planes to fly lower over London with their jets on full blast, making as much noise as possible. That did the trick !

Not sure I can do that one again, I’m afraid !

Re: Plane noise around Clapham South

by chorister » Fri Aug 24, 2018 5:42 pm

We live just off the Westside, north of Walsingham Place.

It depends on the actual flight path in use, the wind and the types of plane.  If it's a string of 737s and the wind is in the wrong direction it can be a pain.  If it's an A380 and the wind is right you hardly hear it.

But we're happy to climb on aeroplanes when it suits us, so try not to complain.

Plane noise around Clapham South

by Jenny0620 » Fri Aug 24, 2018 5:34 pm


For anyone living in the Clapham South section of Clapham, please could you share your thoughts on how bad / noticeable the plane noise is in that area? It doesn’t look to be directly under the Heathrow flight path but very curious to know if the noise is still bothersome?

Thank you!!
