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Music Donations for local primary school

by zulusmith » Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:06 pm

This is a massive long shot but if you don’t ask you don’t get. I am on  the PTA from Allfarthing school and our Music department is in need of donations of the following, or similar! If anyone has any of these or anything we might use we would be so massively grateful! 
  • A mixer - Behringer XENYX Q802USB USB Mixer
  • two electric guitars -  LA Electric Guitar + Amp Pack,
  • bass guitars -  3/4 LA Bass Guitar + 15W Amp Pack, Blue
  • some microphones, 
  • some electric and classical guitar strings
  • Speakers  - SubZero SZSM-4X Studio Monitors, Pair
  • ¾ Classical guitar 
I would be happy to collect any time if anyone has anything that we might have. 
Thank you so much 
