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Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by CommonGuy » Thu Mar 28, 2019 10:02 am

Oh GuyD73 haven't the men in white coats taken you away yet? So the petition is up to roughly 6 million but lets look at the stats. The signatures from the Remain strongholds constituencies such as Battersea, Tooting, Streatham, Chelsea & Fulham etc are running at an average of 30% of constituents having signed. Adjust these figures for the fact you can sign twice from the same email address and that everyone is getting their kids to sign up and the numbers fall somewhat short of the roughly 75:25 remain to leave vote in the referendum for areas like Wandsworth. I know a lot of Londoners had another nice day out (was it 1 miilion or 0.5 million?) but we all know London wants to Remain.
The indicative votes in Parliament have, thus far, solved nothing but one thing is for sure the Remainiac Establishment will not give up yet. You are right in one regard, if the will of the majority of the people is ignored there will be a huge backlash. New parties will emerge and both Labour and Conservative share of the vote will be decimated. The Brexit vote was in many regards a rejection of the political elite, including big business and the institutions of the EU and the actions of Parliament have demonstrated that they were right.
By the way, I think your windows might need a bit of attention.

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by juliantenniscoach » Wed Mar 27, 2019 12:40 pm

I think if a (3rd) referendum can be achieved that would be the fairest representation of the democratic process, irrespective of the result.  'No deal', direct revocation or May's deal would be catastrophic on many levels.  

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by GuyD73 » Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:46 am

Thank you Julian. You're quite right that this issue has incensed me for some time, and sadly to the detriment of both my physical and mental health, but if we can achieve another vote and this disaster is averted, it will absolutely have been worth it. Won't it be interesting to see what emerges from the indicative votes this evening? 

While I'm here, I just wanted to thank everyone who has been campaigning for a Peoples Vote or putting pressure on politicians in a variety of ways. Many of us in Battersea have been gently trying to persuade Marsha de Cordova to back a PV and eventually she came round. I dare say Rosena Alin-Khan felt emboldened by the support of remainers in Tooting to be among the first to break the ambiguous Labour party line and come out unequivocally in favour of a PV. Likewise I know many people who've been in regular touch with Justine Greening in Putney or Stephen Hammond in Wimbledon on a weekly basis to encourage, berate, chivvy or thank them for their representation. This national debate has and will depend on the finest of margins, so every little intervention matters and it's the collective force of many actions that have led to where we find ourselves now. 

I don't know about anyone else but I suspect, whatever happens regarding Brexit, British politics will be fundamentally changed for the better when we emerge from the madness. Huge numbers of people will abandon any left/right tory/labour party loyalty, and we will hopefully get more accountable politicians, as well as much more robust institutions and regulators. Never again will our future be compromised by a shameless lie like the £350m for the NHS or the dark money, stolen data, abhorrent social media and repeated law-breaking of the leave campaign. I am more optimistic today than at any point since June 2016, and I hope some of you are too!

Long way to go though, so please put that poster up, sign the petition, email the link to your parents and stick it on your facebook profile. My own front window will soon need updating to 6m!    

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by atbattersea » Tue Mar 26, 2019 12:21 am

juliantenniscoach wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2019 6:03 pmToday both the Chancellor and the Brexit Secretary said they would strike off both the ‘no deal’ and ‘revoke’ options off the ‘indicative’ list. I think my money is safe ;)

Somehow I don't think two votes will have the final say on it!? I also seem to recall that one of the previous Brexit secretaries promised us we'd all get exactly the same rights and freedoms after Brexit as we did while in the EU – which was obviously a lie.

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by juliantenniscoach » Mon Mar 25, 2019 6:03 pm

Guy I admire your determination over this even if I do think you’ve gone a bit nuts over it (in the nicest sense of the phrase!).

Today both the Chancellor and the Brexit Secretary said they would strike off both the ‘no deal’ and ‘revoke’ options off the ‘indicative’ list. I think my money is safe ;)

Something democratic like another referendum to reflect the changed political landscape would be far more appealing. Watch this space.

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by GuyD73 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 10:54 am

Julian, I'd agree that revocation without a further ref is unlikely, but also the entire what is/isn't likely, or even possible, has been turned on its head in recent weeks. Curious though, as to what odds you'd be prepared to offer? If you're as confident as you sound then 20-1 doesn't sound unreasonable  😃  

And does the first cabinet minister to break ranks and say they'd 'happily' vote for it change the odds? ... 38406.html

I can easily see a situation where A50 is revoked to give Parliament time to consider its next move. 

More importantly (I think), how can we get the petition even higher? Squillions of you will have parents who voted to leave. Some positions will be entrenched but others, knowing now that ANY Brexit makes us poorer and their vote has meant their grandchildren being robbed of opportunities and their rights to live and work in 27 other countries, may well be persuaded to change their minds, even if it's just to make it stop! Keep plugging the link. Put a poster in your front window too! or up on noticeboards at your doctors, church, gym etc. 

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by sloaney donkey » Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:54 pm

If it is that bad for you then do what I am doing on April 1st.

I am packing my car (French car now) and leaving to go to Provence.

No petitions, no getting angry ... just leaving Nappy Valley for good

Will the last person out please turn off the lights?

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by sloaney donkey » Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:52 pm


still at it, eh?

why don't you just leave this country ?

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by atbattersea » Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:36 pm

Petition is now close to 4.4 million.

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by atbattersea » Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:32 pm

juliantenniscoach wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2019 9:12 pmFrom the BBC - Article 50: Can the UK revoke Brexit?

The BBC is not really a reliable source, is it? If you want to quote from something here is the original from the CJEU: ... id=5902693

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by chorister » Sat Mar 23, 2019 8:53 am

Oh your point re democracy is absolutely important.  But if a referendum followed by an Article 50 Notice were not to quote Article 50 "in accordance  with its [the UK's] own constitutional requirements" then the current UK Article 50 Notice would not be valid, so it is inconceivable that the ECJ would not recognise the same process repeated as valid.

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by juliantenniscoach » Sat Mar 23, 2019 7:12 am

Good morning. It’s funny how two people can look at the same thing and draw different conclusions. We’ll have to agree to disagree on this and wait to see the outcome. At least we live in a democracy where we can have this debate.

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by chorister » Fri Mar 22, 2019 11:17 pm

Thank you for a link confirming my post - holding another referendum at a later date and submitting and further Article 50 notice pursuant to that would not possibly be interpreted as engaging "in an abusive practice".

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by juliantenniscoach » Fri Mar 22, 2019 9:12 pm

From the BBC - Article 50: Can the UK revoke Brexit?

Re: Please sign and share this petition to revoke article 50 and remain - nearly at 1m signatures!

by chorister » Fri Mar 22, 2019 8:08 pm

No - the ECJ ruling prevented Article 50 being withdrawn and immediately re-served. Serving again after another referendum would comply.
