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Re: handyman expert in skirting boards

by Junction Joinery » Sun Jan 17, 2021 5:42 pm

Hello Lindy,

I can help you with that. I run a local joinery company, Junction Joinery and we can replace the skirting boards and carry out the other small jobs for you I'm sure.

You can find us by searching Junction Joinery. You can also contact me on 07732234050


Murphy (Junction Joinery)


handyman expert in skirting boards

by lindylindylindy » Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:44 am

Can anyone recommend a handyman who can remove old outdated skirting boards and put new ones in?  Also someone who could do small tiling jobs on a fireplace and hallway.

The skirting board job isn't straight forward as it's a steep stairway that needs doing.

Could be a handyman who wants extra weekend work or small jobs.

Many thanks!
