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Re: Can anyone recommend a sleep consultant?

by frenchlyric » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:51 am

I would have a chat with Night Nannies - they have some great sleep consultants that really helped me.
Good luck! x

Re: Can anyone recommend a sleep consultant?

by walesdavies » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:00 am

kathryn mewes - a couple of people have used her to great success:

Re: Can anyone recommend a sleep consultant?

by binnii » Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:40 am

We used Brenda Hart, who was fantastic. After nearly nine months of little sleep she changed our lives. She has a website, Brenda the nanny (easy to find by Google). Recommended her to two friends who also had great success with her.
Good luck!

Re: Can anyone recommend a sleep consultant?

by NoMorePeppaPig » Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:45 pm

I am sure you have, but is his room completely dark? I found that Easiblinds were a godsend (a velcro blackout that sticks to the window frame). In the summer months, I also had a towel rolled up at the bottom of the door to keep the light out!

It is also worth checking whether external factors may be waking your little one: temperature, plane noises (a real issue for us), neighbour's early rising children (another serious issue!!), hot water/radiator noises (although this is probably not the case in the summer!).

It could be worth having white noise playing in his room?

Is he having enough/too little sleep in the day?

Lastly, perhaps you could cut back on liquids in the evening - I have found that if my children have had too much to drink they wake earlier with the sensation of needing the loo? May be worth thinking about.

I really feel for you and hope the sleep expert will make the difference.

Re: Can anyone recommend a sleep consultant?

by moops » Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:51 am

Yes! Try Chireal from Naturally Nurturing, she's very good and very well known. It worked for us! X

Can anyone recommend a sleep consultant?

by movingmummy » Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:56 am

We have a 20 month old little boy who has started his day at 5am for the last 20 months - he's very good at going to bed however he has now also started waking in the night and the 5am start is creeping towards 4am - baby number 2 is due in 3 weeks.....
We are now at the point, having tried every trick in the book, where we need to get some professional help to try and help him sleep longer. Can anybody recommend a sleep consultant we could use? Many thanks
