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Re: best nit shampoo

by BalhamBorders » Mon Oct 11, 2021 10:11 am

Vosene - from Boots/ Superdrug.

Re: best nit shampoo

by Needcoffeenow » Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:34 am

Know what you mean about oddly satisfying, Dudette! We tried all sorts of stuff over the years but on advice of GP just bought huge bottles of cheap conditioner, blobbed it on and combed it out with a nit comb. The kids used to guess how many nits we’d find (thrill of the chase!) The bonus of this approach is that your child also has wonderfully shiny hair. The main thing is to continue for 2 weeks after you see the last nit. But in reality they often just bounce them back and forth until puberty. NB parents claiming never to have seen a nit are usually not looking.

Re: best nit shampoo

by NannySal » Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:28 am

Snow White, I would bring this up with the school, if you haven’t already. If your daughter keeps getting reinfected it’s either because you aren’t getting all the eggs out (itching just thinking about it) or that another child in the class isn’t being treated for nits properly! 
As for treatment I found the best treatment was any nit shampoo, then plenty of conditioner and nit combing EVERY night for a week or two! We used the Nitty gritty comb which pulls out eggs too! Then use a shampoo with tea tree oil, as apparently Nits don’t like it! No idea if that’s true but I always used a shampoo with this in and I NEVER got nits even though I was in contact with the 3 children I looked after and all 3 had them at one point!! Nightmare! 
Good Luck, hope you are all nit free soon! 

Re: best nit shampoo

by dudette » Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:15 am

I used Hedrin gel on my kids which doesn’t have harsh chemicals. It’s a thick gel you spread over their hair which kills the eggs and the lice and you just comb them out with a fine tooth comb. I found it worryingly satisfying I have to say!! You then wash their hair with shampoo to get rid of the gel. It takes some time but it seemed to do the job.

Re: best nit shampoo

by betterannabel » Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:15 am

id recommend full marks and a nightly nit comb but im sure you've already tried! as it keeps coming back i would recommend raising with the school. i was head of the parents association at DD's prep school and we managed to fundraise for a nit nurse after one nasty outbreak xx

best nit shampoo

by snow white » Thu Oct 07, 2021 4:22 pm

could anyone recommend a good brand of nit shampoo or tell me the best way to get rid of them. My daughter seems to be infested in a constant loop. Am pulling my own (not free) hair out! Thanks
