by lalectrice » Mon Oct 03, 2011 9:13 am
In terms of setting the book group up etc., it was all pretty straightforward - we took turns to meet at different people's houses and everyone brought a food/wine contribution so that the host didn't have onerous amounts of preparation to do. Most book groups have a different member choose a book for each meeting, although my group ended up coming to mutual agreements quite often. Best thing for a new group (esp. where members haven't met before) is probably to set up an email group, in which people introduce themselves briefly, then pick a book and set a date! For info, I'm based in SW11 so anywhere localish is fine (have car). Looking forward!
In terms of setting the book group up etc., it was all pretty straightforward - we took turns to meet at different people's houses and everyone brought a food/wine contribution so that the host didn't have onerous amounts of preparation to do. Most book groups have a different member choose a book for each meeting, although my group ended up coming to mutual agreements quite often. Best thing for a new group (esp. where members haven't met before) is probably to set up an email group, in which people introduce themselves briefly, then pick a book and set a date! For info, I'm based in SW11 so anywhere localish is fine (have car). Looking forward!