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Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by carrakane » Mon Oct 10, 2022 5:27 pm

Everyone should be able to use a toilet at work. These are people not animals we are talking about. I can’t imagine going to an office and being told I can’t poop at work. Just have a polite word with the main builder in charge and ask him if he could just remind his team to respect your home by keeping the toilet same way they found it- clean! Other suggestions about having them use only one toilet is good and you use another for the family. Good luck and hope it all works out.

Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by Tessafortescue » Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:49 pm

Why don't you remove the loo seat!!!! You definitely will not want to sit on that again!!

Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by RumourMill » Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:55 am

You're not the only one - the Royals have the same problem ... o-28178022

Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by Paulette » Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:24 am

I totally sympathise… every time I had builders in they seem to keep “it” for my home… the smell is sometimes out of this world. :evil:

When it’s small Reno we can’t put a portaloo.

I’d mention you e noticed sometimes the toilet wasn’t too clean and ask if they could watch out.
That won’t solve the smell issue I’m afraid… but they’d need to change diet entirely Im afraid.

Good luck. Hang on there.

Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by NVG » Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:19 am

No! You can't ask them that unless you provide an alternative!! Where else are they meant to go? Yes of course you can ask them to make sure they clean it after they've used it but you can't ask them to hold it in. That's really bad for them and you would probably be breaking some sort of employment law. As others have said get a portaloo and if you have another loo in your house then use that yourselves. If you only have one then you'll just have to share and buy some scented candles!

Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by Lola123 » Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:10 am

You can’t ask them not to poo!! Where else should they go? Put a portaloo in your garden it will cost x but save you from having this conversation with them and avoid them leaving site for set periods a day to undertake their natural bodily functions at a cafe etc.

Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by Champagnetennis » Mon Oct 10, 2022 7:33 am

You definitely can’t say anything your husband’s right. Just pay for a portaloo, that solves the problem and makes it quite clear! Small extra cost but well worth it!

Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by ronangel » Mon Oct 10, 2022 7:29 am

Let them use on condition it is flushed each time used and fully cleaned daily (leave brush cleaning materials etc) Dont number and count the sheets of toilet paper!
If quite a few builders always better to supply them with their own outside Turdis! :o The builders Turdis

Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by Lulubear » Sat Oct 08, 2022 12:08 am

I would definitely get a portaloo.  We did when we had significant work done.  

Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by waltzer » Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:31 am

Having lived through various renovations I sympathise. Is there a supervisor or can you speak to the person that you booked the work with. I think that you CAN say something. It is a home not a building site - given the replies I would think that it is a bigger issue all round. Agree with muddyboots maybe get a Davaloo if the job still has a way to go.


Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by Abbevilleteacher » Wed Oct 05, 2022 10:55 pm

I’m having a similar situation in my house. I have left loo cleaner and spray but in all reality I don’t know that they actually use them.

You could temporarily put one of those toilet rim blocks that hooks inside the loo so that it automatically cleans when they flush!

Re: Builders over using our loo, help !!

by muddyboots » Wed Oct 05, 2022 8:18 pm

If a big build and several builders get a porta loo!
Otherwise, assuming you still have access to more then one loo be very clear about which one they are allowed to use.

Make it a no go area for the rest of the family.

It’s quite rude to stink out your loo, but what can you do ? I agree you can’t exactly say don’t poo :)
Leave some air freshener and toilet cleaner in the loo to at least encourage them to leave it clean and better smelling.

Builders over using our loo, help !!

by Bravo Charlie » Wed Oct 05, 2022 6:52 pm

Wonder if anyone can give me a steer on how OK it is to speak to our builders about loo usage. We are having some work done, not enough to warrant moving out but I am finding some aspects of having them in the house quite stressful. Appreciate it is a first world problem but I would really like to ask them not to use our loo for a number two. Is it ok to be this direct, my husband says it absolutely is not, I just need to suck it up.  They are otherwise pretty considerate.
