by Caitlin313 » Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:00 pm
Hi! Last year I believe I went through at least 6 large bags (maybe 24 pieces in each if I remember correctly) of fun size candy. We ran out and had a few upset late trick or treaters, however we also had a group that took the whole, recently filled, bowl of candy while I was bathing my son for bed. Didn't want to disappoint any kids and mistakenly left out an unattended bowl - won't do it again here! This year I may do 8 as it seems since moving here in 2019 more kids are coming round each year, especially now that most are comfortable out and about again. I do live on a busier street with many houses decorated for Halloween which draws in a few more groups than other roads I'd suspect. Hope this helps
Hi! Last year I believe I went through at least 6 large bags (maybe 24 pieces in each if I remember correctly) of fun size candy. We ran out and had a few upset late trick or treaters, however we also had a group that took the whole, recently filled, bowl of candy while I was bathing my son for bed. Didn't want to disappoint any kids and mistakenly left out an unattended bowl - won't do it again here! This year I may do 8 as it seems since moving here in 2019 more kids are coming round each year, especially now that most are comfortable out and about again. I do live on a busier street with many houses decorated for Halloween which draws in a few more groups than other roads I'd suspect. Hope this helps