by _commonsmum_ » Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:09 am
This might seem absolutely daft, and it probably is. However, I was wondering if anyone did the reverse of the usual state, primary and private secondary school? For our child I worry about her being in the classroom for long stretches without the huge blocks of exercise (in the form of games and pe) that the private primaries offer, needed as youngsters. We’ve also moved over from another country and wanted her to have more attention and nurturing to keep her love of learning up.
Is it crazy to hope/work really hard so she does well for the 11+ to get her into a great secondary (either grammar, state, or hopefully bursary/fee assistance). We may be able to swing private secondary or atleast partial fees.
This might seem absolutely daft, and it probably is. However, I was wondering if anyone did the reverse of the usual state, primary and private secondary school? For our child I worry about her being in the classroom for long stretches without the huge blocks of exercise (in the form of games and pe) that the private primaries offer, needed as youngsters. We’ve also moved over from another country and wanted her to have more attention and nurturing to keep her love of learning up.
Is it crazy to hope/work really hard so she does well for the 11+ to get her into a great secondary (either grammar, state, or hopefully bursary/fee assistance). We may be able to swing private secondary or atleast partial fees.