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Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by chorister » Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:52 pm

@Mummy2014 - well, if the only reason you have a car is for the school run then let's hope you have a small one eg a Smart Car and not a haystack on wheels.

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by Mummy2014 » Mon Feb 20, 2023 2:50 pm

The school run isn’t a short journey for everyone. It’s the only reason I need a car.

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by Kirstie’s Mom » Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:12 am

LTNs are the last thing we need . They don’t work , cause congestion and more pollution. I lived in one it was horrible . I don’t own a car and walk .

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by BIG » Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:53 am

Great post, driver entitlement is out of control in London, we need more interventions like LTNs to make it a bit less convenient to jump in your car every time you leave the house. It is amazing how many people think it justified to use a car for short journeys like the school run, clogging up the roads so those on buses and those that really do depend on a car due to mobility issues, for example, get stuck in traffic congestion. It is really time for those who need to be in a car and those stuck in the bus start questioning every driver’s need to be using the road.

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by SW17 for lyf » Mon Feb 13, 2023 5:31 pm

NVHusband wrote:

> What surprises me is that no one challenges them.

I used to challenge this time and again, directly with the drivers. When I did, they'd invariably get angry, as they know they're in the wrong and can't stand being challenged. Then one of them drove their car (Volvo 4x4, since you ask) directly at me, mounting the pavement to do so. So I stopped challenging them myself!

I now find it's more effective when my son (Y3, cycles to school) talks to them himself - "if you stop like that I can't really see when I need to turn and cross the road - I'm shorter than your car you see", and even "Just don't park on the pavement, it's not there for cars is it?"

Having a child shaming them seems to mean the 'repsonsible' adult's reaction isn't to immediately default to 'shouty aggro' - and maybe, just maybe, they'll think twice the next time.

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by Mummy2014 » Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:59 am

Some parents do this on Fulham Road outside Kensington Prep too. It’s infuriating for everyone, including parents like me who take the time and effort to park legally. The school often sends notices to parents asking them not to do it too. Some people are just selfish.

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by juliantenniscoach » Fri Feb 10, 2023 3:11 pm

The parking outside Belleville School now is nothing short of a disgrace.  The same vehicles pretty much every day and the school seem to do nothing.  Only complaining to Wandsworth Council to issue some tickets seems to be the only remedy.

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by ronangel » Thu Feb 09, 2023 8:58 am

Have you signed if you agree so your friends from out of the area can come to visit without being scammed and a LTN coming to you soon!

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by TooManyCars » Mon Feb 06, 2023 1:15 pm

The illegal/ dangerous parking during school runs seems to be an issue across the borough - despite initiatives such as Safer Streets.

It is not limited to private schools- as it’s quite dangerous by Allfarthing Primary School. There are repeat offenders on a daily basis - speeding and illegal parking.

The council has been slow to respond/ failed to act for years (literally nothing has been done to address the issue - despite the school and residents raising the issue for years).

While the implementation of Safer Streets is a first step - we need enforcement of existing rules at a bare minimum. While the immediate entrance is safer, we have greatly increased risk just half a block away.

It’s very important to keep pressure on the council and hold them accountable for implementing measures - parking fines, cameras, wardens, etc. At some point - there will be serious injuries as a result of school run chaos.

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by dudette » Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:01 am

I used to live near Northcote Lodge and it was the same there. Write to the head to complain. I remember in the old days at Thomas’s when parents could park in the playground -sometimes it would be full and cars would just wait in Broomwood Road for it to empty, blocking the whole road. I’ve also see it with the petrol station on Nightingale Lane - it’s not just schools. The entitlement of some people is gob-smacking.

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by Kirstie’s Mom » Mon Feb 06, 2023 9:29 am

And Finton House . The parents make living on Wandle Rd a nightmare . You can have a word with with the headmaster and ask them to have a word but it never seems to work . I feel your pain

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by Feeling old » Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:05 am

It is something that makes my blood pressure rise. However, it’s not just Thomas’ St Mary’s school on Crescent Lane is just as bad

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by solution » Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:47 pm

Call the council and tell them to get a warden or two for down there.

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by NVHusband » Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:36 pm

Why do parents do the school run in Zone 2? This entitled mentality isn’t limited to private schools.

Just take a look at the number of parents at Belleville Primary dropping off their kids in restricted zone. Some even park directly on the zigzag line outside the gate…

What surprises me is that no one challenges them.

Re: Thomas’ parents - STOP PARKING on YELLOW LINES

by chorister » Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:39 pm

They don't have time to walk or cycle because they would then be late for the gym .............
