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Re: Interview of the Battersea Candidates: Reform UK

by readysteadycook » Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:28 am

The way to solve the housing crisis is to stop mass (legal and illegal) immigration. 50,000+ illegals each year is a joke.

I feel sorry for our children ever being able to buy somewhere.

Re: Interview of the Battersea Candidates: Reform UK

by Btc_life » Mon Jun 24, 2024 6:20 am

Gosh did I really just read that his/Reform’s answer to the housing crisis is to get home owners to all build an extra loft extension and then rent it out?!

I’m not sure if it’s him being thick as mince or Reform HQ being thick as mince but not a single answer makes any actual sense

I’m sure the ‘policies’ have been drafted to appeal to knuckle draggers who don’t need or want actual detail but it’s just so basic
“How will you improve public transport?”
“Make TFL have standards” err what now?!

Re: Interview of the Battersea Candidates: Reform UK

by ronangel » Mon Jun 24, 2024 5:48 am

“Human fertility is falling in many parts of the world – in fact in many countries, there is a real fear of a demographic crash as more and more older people have to be supported by fewer and fewer young people.”
Immigration is a big problem with immigrants having larger and larger families and the British people having fewer children. England will become a third-world country in a few years with a complete change of life old ways being destroyed! Probably too late already. ... ctions.mp4

Re: Interview of the Battersea Candidates: Reform UK

by chorister » Thu Jun 20, 2024 2:24 pm

Honestly .... 

How on earth could anyone read the comment and conclude that it doesn't recognise that "number and size of carbon footprints do not impact the climate crisis"?  Climate change is driven by GHG concentrations in the atmosphere, whatever their source, as has been known for many years - the great Swedish physicist Svante Arrhenius published a paper in the 1890s (yes, you did read that date correctly) saying that we had to stop burning coal otherwise climate warming would occur.

We are told "In fact, Chartered Environmentalists have known this for over 30 years and have worked out how to manage Society, Environment, and Economy so that we can meet the needs of today without going back to the Stone Age".  So why are all the metrics going in the wrong direction with emissions at record levels, and why is it estimated that the carbon budget to remain within 1.5 degrees will be exhausted within a decade?  Over the last 100 years the global population has increased from just over 2 billion people to 8 billion today and per capita emissions have increased from 5.8 to 6.8 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (source - Our World in Data).  If the answers have been worked out then when are we going to be told what they are and when is someone going to be honest enough to say that real sacrifices will be needed?

Re: Interview of the Battersea Candidates: Reform UK

by barryedwards » Thu Jun 20, 2024 1:07 pm

Robin seems to be under the misconception that the number and size of carbon footprints do not impact the climate crisis. I have offered him some advice on reading material so he can research the subject for himself, as it's crucial for all of us to understand this issue. I would strongly encourage everybody to look deeper, as factual understanding empowers us to make informed decisions.

Unfortunately, his post is incorrect. People are the “anthropomorphic” in climate change; therefore, the climate crisis is entirely about the number of people and the levels of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) each one produces.

In fact, Chartered Environmentalists have known this for over 30 years and have worked out how to manage Society, Environment, and Economy so that we can meet the needs of today without going back to the Stone Age. With sound knowledge and the right number of families using the correct resources, families can have an excellent quality of life (QOL) without having to make sacrifices.

We are in a time of transition to sustainability, and very well-meaning environmental opinions do not help the discussion if they are inconsistent with expert knowledge and today's Environmental Best Practices (EBP).

Re: Interview of the Battersea Candidates: Reform UK

by chorister » Wed Jun 19, 2024 3:39 pm

Honestly if the Reform Party man really thinks population / immigration is the environmental issue driving climate change then there really is no hope.  Human fertility is falling in many parts of the world - in fact in many countries there is a real fear of a demographic crash as more and more older people have to be supported by fewer and fewer young people.  If he really is qualified in the environment then he will know that the truth is frighteningly simple.  Solar energy arrives as short wavelength visible and ultraviolet radiation, and about 30% is reflected and radiated back into space at long infrared wavelengths.  We have known since 1859 that greenhouse gases are less transparent to long than short wavelengths so rising GHG concentrations trap more energy, making warming inevitable, as we are already seeing in trends around the world, including increased flooding becoming normalised in the UK.  The only solution is actually lifestyles much less dependent on fossil fuels and other GHG emitting activities.  But no politician will ever say that we may have to make sacrifices.

Interview of the Battersea Candidates: Reform UK

by CJInsider » Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:41 pm

🗳️ In our series of Q&A-style interviews for the upcoming election, we have now published the responses from Barry Edwards, the Reform UK candidate.
#Battersea #GE2024
We hope that you will find it interesting. ... candidate/


Unfortunately we are still expecting responses from the Labour, Conservatives and Libdems candidates. In case you have any contact with them, please remind them to respond to our emails. 
All interviews published here: ... battersea/
