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by vix176 » Thu May 03, 2012 8:11 am


Big holiday in 2 months time with lots of people, most of the girls haven't had babies! I'm doing the Bodyism cookbook (amazing!), Kettlebells at the weekend, sit ups on a night and Bikram when I can. However there's a little stubborn area I just want shift and I'm thinking of getting a Slendertone system. Has anyone ever used one and had good results or are they just a gimmic and gather dust in the cupboard? If they do work, is 2 months enough time for results?

If I could hit the gym everyday I know I'd be fine but I've got a 3 year old and 23 monthold so don't get a lot of time! I'd love to know anyones thoughts as I really want to buy a Vix bikini but actually do it justice!

