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Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by runningmummy » Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:32 pm

Yes yes yes!!!

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by » Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:54 am

HI That sounds fantastic, I am a dance/fitness instructor and I would be really interested in speaking with you about this venture. In renting space from you for classes when you are up and running or getting involved from the beginning with financial investment.
look forward to hearing from you. :D

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by Boune » Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:55 pm

That would be awesome!

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by MadCurls » Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:01 pm

Yes please- something with a creche! Like someone said above, the Leisure Centre creches fill up quickly and have such limited time slots.

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by hjm » Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:44 pm

Try They don't have a creche, but you don't need one as you can train with your baby next to you. It's right next to Wandsworth Common station and there is free parking outside.

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by txmum » Wed Jun 13, 2012 7:06 pm

Yes! I practically lived at Cupcake Pitney during my mat leave. It was a 45 min walk each way but I did it because it put my baby to sleep and I liked The environment so much. Sadly, they closed the Putney branch and the nearest location is parsons green.
What I liked:
There were classes for mums, mums amd babies, and just baby centric classes
The crèche was excellent
There were other mums around suffering the same plight of boredom, split abdominal muscles, and all the other issues new mums encounter
Now that I'm back at work with no time to work out I'd appreciate somewhere I can drop in to on my way home from work , so near to pub transport or parking, and classes that start at 6 or 6:30 so I can still get home for bedtime without feeling too guilty for taking 30 mins out for myself. Pay as you go would be key too!
Just some feedback, as I'd really like to see something like this open nearer to home.

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by Spotty26 » Wed Jun 13, 2012 6:15 pm

Especially if it was pay as you go...

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by mummy_dani » Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:46 am


Has a gym been set up or does anyone know of one with a crèche I can use on a pay per visit. I asked at the new Clapham leisure centre but they don't have a crèche.


Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by MGMidget » Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:55 pm

Yes please! Just any gym, not necessarily just for mums, between the commons or near Nightingale Lane/Balham High Road would be really great. Why oh why is there no gym around here?! I would add that picking a location with plausible parking option would be helpful. E.g. Virgin Active in Clapham is not an easy place to park owing to parking restrictions which are largely residents only nearby. Worth checking what the restrictions are near the chosen location for a gym as you would increase your membership if people could drive as well as walk there.

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by Rennii » Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:56 pm

Excellent idea.

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by diva636 » Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:40 pm

I would be interested in a gym that didn't cost the earth and that had a good mix of facilities and classes that target problem areas. 15 minutes abs classes mixed with gym activities, yoga, bums and tums.. that sort of thing.

My choice is to pay around £15 for single classes, which is frankly too high when you compare with £70 a month roughly for gym membership, or join a gym and try to get to their classes. Often classes are at inconvenient times or too long.

My other problem with the gyms is that there are none around Clapham South down towards Balham and the between the commons area, time is always very tight with kids so I'd like to be able to walk if possible!

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by Devi » Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:46 am

good interest depends on how it would differ from regular gyms. all best, d

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by mumofmoomoo » Tue Jun 01, 2010 11:34 am

Definitely! Hopefully there will be lots of creche places available!

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by Coresmummy » Wed May 26, 2010 1:18 pm

This would be fantastic! please let us know when you plan to set this up and all info :)

Re: Gyms for Mums in Clapham

by Karin1979 » Wed May 26, 2010 12:52 pm

Yes pleeeease! :lol:
