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Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by rcourtney » Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:43 am

Think the following article sums up what 'Welldone!' is trying to say ... 63631.html

"Far from being 'wholly unacceptable', this is why independent schools exist, and we should be thankful for it. Of course there are many other factors at play, including universities (Loughborough graduates dominate Team GB) and the ability of each individual athlete to push themselves to the limit in training and competition, but by honing the talents, skills and competitive instincts of children from across the social spectrum, independent schools are setting their pupils off on the right path, and doing their nation a real service in the process."

Interesting and topical post that should be discussed rather than shot down

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by rugby » Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:22 am

Almaceti just gave us an opporunity for a French vs English scene instead, much more fun!!

But that would need a whole website to itself, and the reasons are soooooo obvious!!!!!!

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by juliantenniscoach » Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:46 pm

I think it's unlikely that many of our cyclists who have won most of our medals went to private school.

Traditionally sport has been neglected by UK governments since time began. Hence the only people who cost afford to participate as adults where those drawn from the better off.

Secondly sport has often been socially perceived as a pastime rather than a competitive activity. Don't forget tennis was the speed dating of the pre war era!

Compare this with the fantastic state sponsored sports system in France, it's a wonder we won anything. Closer examination and you'll see our more successful sports traditionally have been high entry cost sports usually involving a boat, gun or horse - not particulary inclusive is it?

However there has been some outstanding successes over the last decade with the direct assistance of funding from Sport UK, Sport England etc. Cycling is the obvious example going from nowhere to the No.1 country in the World. This direct, targeted funding has created a network of facilities and coaches able to support our young athletes in many sports.

Obviously supportive parent(s) are incredibly important to this process but that is the case irrespective of their socio-economic profile. To suggest that Team GB's amazing success is solely due to the efforts and sacrifices of one particular group is simply fatuous.

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by sandraletitia » Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:22 pm

I don't see this as a state v private school issue. I was a teacher many years ago at the start of the great state school playing fields sell-off - usually to raise funds and we all felt it was so short sighted.
Our youngest is going to the Brit School for sixth form and I was surprised there has been no mention of games or sports facilities at all. Then I read the other day that the Government has stopped funding of sport and games for sixth form.
SO there you are. That's where the problem lies.

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by CitySlicker » Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:14 pm

You don't see the Yanks discussing what type of school their atheletes went to. Who gives a damn what school people went to? Why is it that Brits are obsessed with class and the state v private education?

Let's be happy for our high achieving atheletes, and stop turning this into a state v private education issue.

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by Almaceti » Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:24 pm

ah ah ah! why do English people always compare themselves to French people? inferiority complexe? :lol:

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by livegreen » Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:24 am

This post is a wind up and seems to be an attemp to set people against each other.
No doubt an internet troll.

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by MrsAmanda » Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:21 am

What puzzles me is the op. Usually our names are in pink, can be clicked on to see other posts and the number of posts is listed. Welldone's name is in grey, has no other posts and can't be clicked on.

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by Bloomers » Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:49 am

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by Bloomers » Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:30 am

Wow - not very in tune with the Olympic spirit - very bitter. I am not sure of the exact statistic but it is very much worth bearing in mind that a huge number of the 'public school' competitors were actually only educated at these schools because they had bursaries and scholarships. This somewhat skews the figures. The balance would be very different if you excluded the athletes who had educational financial assistance. The bursaries etc are subsidised by full fee-paying parents and charitable concerns - so actually giving talented children an opportunity they may never have had. I heard a fascinating debate with David Davis MP arguing that we should not on any level complain about the success of private school athletes but instead take a look at what they are doing and try and emulate as much as possible. He did stress that if more resources were put into sports etc and the budget for academic education was reduced there would be uproar. There is only a certain amount of money in the pot.

On another note public schools produce very few footballers....which seems to be the 'job' most little boys dream of....and has by far the best remuneration. Just a thought...

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by coldatchristmas » Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:44 am

I am not condoning the horrible attitude in the post but at the risk of getting shot down, aren't the basic facts correct?

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by ready2pop » Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:21 am

By the way did you see that Eton educated Lawrence Clarke (who came 4th in the hurdles final yesterday) said that he felt his private education had held him back since he was forced to focus so much on his academic studies?

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by ready2pop » Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:19 am

I think this is an over-simplification.

For example, we've won a lot of medals in rowing, which is a sport that most state school children don't get the chance to try until university. State schools just don't have the funds for boats and boathouses.

Other sports like gymnastic tend to be offered via private clubs rather than schools. Classes need to be paid for and not all parents can afford this so again this is not necessarily available to all state school pupils.

Then, if a child shows talent at a particular sport there's usually a cost (both financial and in terms of time) involved in the training they need to get to top level.

I competed in sport at an international level as a child (having been state educated) but to enable this, my parents had to give up weekends to take me around the country to compete and spend a small fortune on equipment etc...

The Sports Council, Sport England and local councils do offer grants to help but the application process is fairly lengthy so again you need supportive and pushy parents to obtain it.

Bottom line is that to be a top-level sports person you need supportive and dedicated parents. Yes, that involves them shelling out cash too but not necessarily via school fees.

Re: Well Done Private School Parents!

by mrs_pavlova » Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:30 am

Breathtaking arrogance.
