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Re: What should I do?

by yummum » Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:59 pm

JUST WALK AWAY you will only hurt yourself :(

Re: What should I do?

by metoo » Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:33 pm

Whatever kind of 'research' this is then it is unethical and any responses you got from this website can't be used. You have to tell people individually if you are going to use their responses - especially to be published. Just like DJs who broadcast prank telephone calls - the respondent has to give permission for the broadcast.
So.....either it's not research or you are hoping to produce a sensationalist type article and hawk it 'round those crazy 'real life' mags. What's your angle - sad, lonely webmums rage at my fictional affair?

Re: What should I do?

by uptheoctave » Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:51 am

'Wife', 'partner', what difference does it make really? Would one get more hurt than the other? And just because he doesn't have his own children it doesn't mean that his partner isn't his family.

Bit of a crap way to do 'research'. Hope the book's worth it and it would be nice to let us know when it's out, the ISBN number etc. so we can see that perhaps we didn't waste our time as much as we thought?


Re: What should I do?

by moops » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:50 am

Yeah I don't know why I would have written Wife if it didn't say it :?

I agree KH, very strange.

Re: What should I do?

by KatherineHepburn » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:34 am

What a strange person.

Re: What should I do?

by bumpontheway » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:42 pm

Me thinks that you did some editing!! I swear blind that it said wife!

Re: What should I do?

by moops » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:05 pm

You haven't actually clarified whether you did have the fling or not or was this all a complete waste of everyones time??

I am really mad that you would post that rubbish on here, the people on here take time out from their busy lives to respond to posts and offer advice and support not to get tricked!


Re: What should I do?

by mybloodyvalentine » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:52 pm

I suspect you may have been telling the truth but you're worried about being outed.

Either way your behaivour is pretty ****


Re: What should I do?

by Ellabi_28 » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:24 pm

Research for content I'm contributing to a book.

It's a fictitious situation. I wanted to guage reaction.

I don't want to end of getting abuse for breaking up a family I haven't even mentioned!

Re: What should I do?

by allycat » Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:21 pm

Intrigued as to what sort of research this could be!?

Re: What should I do?

by Ellabi_28 » Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:01 pm

Thanks for your replies. If you had read my original post properly then you would see that I haven't mentioned a wife, or kids, he doesn't have either of these- he's not a family man.

I'm actually doing research and your responses and assumptions have been really insightfull.

Thanks again.

Re: What should I do?

by KatherineHepburn » Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:41 pm

The guy sounds like a cheating moron. But all the same, that is for his wife to figure out in her own time.
Don't hurt her just to get back at him. That is surely completely beneath you.
Perhaps next time steer clear of attached men?

Re: What should I do?

by bumpontheway » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:31 pm

Have you intentionally not put this under a different name so that you can be traced?
It doesn't take inspector cluedo to work out what your possible real name is and from your other posts the age of your children, where they go to school and you have already said your age and that your split from your husband. I am sure the Mum's in your area may possibly know who you are and now probably wondering if it is there husband.
Affairs are a scary old world.

I am not denying the man is in the wrong but I have always wondered why single women especially women with children (who have a solid understanding of the potential hurt), go for a family man. I seriously believe it is all pretty warped and just gross.

Re: What should I do?

by uptheoctave » Mon Feb 22, 2010 9:55 pm

You say that he should know he can't go around behaving like this yet you COMPLETELY condoned his behaviour when you were 'benefitting' from it. YOU can't go around behaving like this either so let it go, stop trying to punish everyone and look at your OWN actions rather than other people's.

Re: What should I do?

by swlondonmum » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:51 pm

Leave well alone you would destroy his wife and kids and i think you should just walk away and forget it.
