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Re: Baby room Clapham Old Town

by scubamum » Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:14 pm

Hi. My children have all gone too/still attend Bringing up Baby just off Wandsworth Rd and I've been really happy - they have a big garden and lovely staff (plus a kitchen and chef on site!). My 2.5 yr old is there now and he's thriving. There is a new manageress and I'm sure she'd be delighted to show you round. They can be contacted on and the manageress is called Petra. (02074983165)

Re: Baby room Clapham Old Town

by ktk » Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:27 am

Hi - my daughter went to baby room Old Town from 1 year until last August when she started school. She is one of the youngest in the class and they were very happy with her abilities when she started (writing name, making sounds etc). My son is nearly three and has been there for 2 years and loves it. They care a lot about the children and I really was impressed with the pre-school development.

Baby room Clapham Old Town

by newmum83 » Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:10 am

Hi ladies,
Our childcare has just fallen through and I'm desperately searching for an alternative! All the nurseries in the area seem to be full, apart from Babyroom in Clapham Old Town.
Does anyone have kids there? Do you like it?
I feel quite worried, as my 2-year-old has been used to a nanny, so I want to make sure it's right.
Any thoughts would be massively appreciated!
Thanks xx
