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Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by TillyandMoo » Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:46 pm

I had showers for both of my pregnancies and I just had afternoon tea, cake, chat and presents. It was lovely.

On another note, I make pictures which are perfect baby shower/newborn gifts. We have lots of designs but these two are really newborn ones.

Good luck with the organising. I'm sure it will be fab whatever you do!

Tilly and Moo
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Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by Kaptainette » Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:30 pm


I had games at my baby shower (in Australia) and everyone seemed enjoy them. Here are a couple which need minimal effort:

- Guess the number of jelly babies in the jar. The winner gets to keep the jar of jelly babies!

- Everyone has to guess the size of the mother-to-be's middle by cutting a piece of string. Then everyone wraps their string around the M2B to see who guessed the closest. Just don't be offended if anyone's string wraps around you twice!

I've only been to baby showers in Oz and at every one, presents have been unwrapped towards the end of the function. Just have someone keep a note of who gave you what so you can write your thank you cards later!

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by oldschoolclub » Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:18 pm


You can always make something handmade like bibs or lavender hearts or little towels or a baby blanket. They may not be perfect but they make lovely gifts and she will know that you have made them. Even the less crafty person gets really engaged and manages to make something special. And it makes a great theme for a party too as we can help you set up the decoration and provide catering if needed.

For more information please contact inma (, 02079242931 ... s/parties/

Good luck with your party!!

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by mrsbfrombalham » Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:52 am

here are a few ideas from the ones I have been to - they have been quite silly but extremely fun:
- dress the baby: time yourself on putting a nappy, dressing the doll, feeding yourself with one had while holding baby doll, etc
- "spit the dummy in the bucket" competition
-" make a baby with sweeties and toothpicks" competition (then you get to eat them)
- a quizz for the mum-to-be (about babies of course) and she gets a small present every time she gets a question right.
- guess the song by reading the lyrics (all songs with the word "baby" in them of course
Generally the baby showers i have been to have involved a group of us sipping prosecco and eating nibbles in the garden - while playing the above.
It is always lovely for the mum-to-be to have all her friends together before she has her little one
Have fun!

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by funky_4 » Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:06 am

Home made diapers are good but not perfect as branded diapers. Can we make them more perfect?
honest company reviews

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by NYE31 » Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:27 pm

I have been to a few, the nicest was where we were asked to bring a photo of us as a baby for the Mum to be to guess as well as our favourite book for the baby. We also had to guess the match up animals with the names of their babies. Some are quite unusual.

The worst was where we were told to buy the contents of a baby gift list between a handful of us for a Mum to be who wasn't expecting to buy anything for her baby as well as gift for her in addition to kitting her out with nappies etc.

I didn't want a baby shower but my friends took me to the Lanesborough for a champagne afternoon tea which was lovely & I asked people not to bring gifts but to wait until they baby was born & they came to see him so there was no obligation for people to have to buy something for him or me.

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by nvmof3 » Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:06 pm

I went to one where they opened jars of babyfood and we all had to try and guess (by tasting) what flavour they were. While pretty gross, it was actually really funny. Also have heard of competition to see who can get a babygro on a dolly the fastest. Opening presents in front of everyone is very risky as some are more generous than others, or people get you the same thing and that is embarrassing. I would stick to tea, wine, games and chat.

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by twice_as_nice » Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:50 pm

thanks everyone! :)

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by HBarea » Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:15 pm

Sounds fun!

Etoile also do amazing cakes and personalised biscuits. All bespoke so you can arrange for messages to be put on the cakes or biscuits.

The website is

For games, if you go to the american version of baby centre, which I think is they have some suggestions for games which we referred to when we did a babyshower for an american friend a year or so ago.


Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by sw18businessmum » Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:25 pm

Hi there, once you have the venue and activities sorted, a few fun personal things can go down well with the mum-to-be.
My company produces personalised chocolate bars - once you have chosen your wrapper you can have a special message for your friend on the wrapper, or even named bars for each friend attending.
It would be a pleasure to help out.
Good luck!

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by Mir » Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:34 am

Just to ket you know Flavin's Tea Room, Trinity Rd, SW17 7HP is a perfect venue for baby showers serving delicious afternoon tea in very pretty intimate surroundings.

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by erinisle22 » Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:13 pm

Something that I've heard done is getting a load of white babygros and fabric paints and everyone painting something onto a babygro for the new little one.

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by SENTeacherTutor » Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:28 pm

What do you expect to happen at a baby shower? What to the other guests expect to happen? Has anyone been to one before? Will people bring gifts?

I am American and expect the mother to open gifts, to eat, and chat with friends. My circle at home does not really do games for baby or bridal showers we just catch up with friends and the gifts usually take a good chunk of time.

I have been to a few showers with games and to be honest most are painful!

One I did like was all the ladies bring a picture of themselves as a baby or small child and the mum has to guess who is who.

Otherwise check out Pinterest for great ideas.

Good luck!

Re: Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by hollyscupcakes » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:22 am

Sorry, I'm not much help with activities etc for baby showers but I do makes cakes for them should you need one! I would love to chat with you about one.
Thank you x

Fun ideas for a baby shower please?

by twice_as_nice » Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:52 am

Hi all

I'm throwing a baby shower for a friend - afternoon tea type thing.

Does anyone have any good ideas of things to do for a baby shower? Maybe some good games to play?

