by falstaff » Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:51 pm
We have an amazing nanny and we are about to increase to 4 days a week; we are looking for a toddler to share 2 days a week (we already share with a little boy 2 days a week). We follow the Early Years Foundation schedule and we have loads of great toys, creative kit, instruments (including a baby grand piano) and energy. Our nanny is amazing and loved by our boys, she teaches them all sorts of things including confidence and she laughs all day with them. They get fresh air every day and they eat well and sleep even better!
If you would like to join us for 2 days, get in touch. My son is 18 months so ideally another child of similar age or older would suit. Starting immediately although can wait for the perfect fit.
We have an amazing nanny and we are about to increase to 4 days a week; we are looking for a toddler to share 2 days a week (we already share with a little boy 2 days a week). We follow the Early Years Foundation schedule and we have loads of great toys, creative kit, instruments (including a baby grand piano) and energy. Our nanny is amazing and loved by our boys, she teaches them all sorts of things including confidence and she laughs all day with them. They get fresh air every day and they eat well and sleep even better!
If you would like to join us for 2 days, get in touch. My son is 18 months so ideally another child of similar age or older would suit. Starting immediately although can wait for the perfect fit.