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Re: insomnia

by Erykah » Tue May 14, 2013 7:59 pm

i took Zopiclone about 7 years ago for acute and then chronic insomnia.
its great in the short term for getting a good solid nights sleep when you desperately need it.
BUT used in the long term you do tend to develop a resistance to it working if you use it every night and have to up the dose
i don't get a hangover from it - the only thing is a slight metallic taste in the mouth in morning

Re: insomnia

by zozodarling2011 » Tue May 14, 2013 6:28 pm


I suffered terribly from insomnia and took zopliclone for long periods in life. Eventually I came off it. It was however only thing that worked for me at the time. Eventually I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety.

I found meditation helpful and the acupuncture yantra mat. Can be bought online. Good luck, it is terrible not sleeping!

Re: insomnia

by BabyMagic » Tue May 14, 2013 3:36 pm

I tried zopiclone but found the sleepy 11am hangover too much. I fell asleep at work! This was years ago though.
I'm a chronic insomniac with bad and less bad phases. Tried most things. Melatonin helped short-term, as did anti-histamines, self-hypnosis occasionally helped although mindfulness hasnt so far. My sleep hygiene is as good as I can get it and still have a life. I listen to the same familiar radioplay a bit, distracting but I know it so not hanging on to the storyline, but stopd the head whizzing thoughts. Getting up didn't help.
Insomnia is difficult to get sorted on the NHS compared to obstructive sleep apnoea, but if you have private cover, maybe you could get referred for polysomnography? It's an idea. Adult ADHD isnt uncommon either appaently if this has been an issue since childhood. Good luck, insomnia can be horrible.

Re: insomnia

by 2boysmum » Tue May 14, 2013 2:28 pm

Thank you - I have found I feel fine after the zopiclone, and actually even the worst hangover in the world would be preferable to the ongoing sleep deprivation. It's way beyond a usual "bad night". I am trying reflexology and acupuncture too, so I will look into Bowen next. Thanks again so much

Re: insomnia

by mandmassage » Tue May 14, 2013 2:08 pm

Come and try some Bowen Technique, has been known to help aid sleep.

My number is 07748 496287

I know how difficult it is coping without sleep, as I have suffered too. So you have my sympathy. I found Zopiclone worked, I took a very low dose but the day after I felt more tired/drowsy than if I had just had a bad night. So I decided to stop.

Good luck



by 2boysmum » Tue May 14, 2013 1:39 pm


I've been suffering from debilitating insomnia (not tied to any underlying stress that I know of) which has persisted for a quite a while now and is basically ruining my life (at the risk of sounding dramatic...). THe doctor has prescribed me zopiclone which i have taken intermittently but he wants me to take a longer course. I panic that I am going to become psychologically dependent on it (as I know how good/normal I feel after a night of sleep) and that after the course i will be back to square one, and feel it's the start of a "slippery slope". I wondered if anyone out there had experience of taking zopiclone and coming out the other side? Any help appreciated - it's torturous being awake while all my children sleep and I don't feel I'm functioning for them so I need to do something, but don't want to start a life long habit.

Many tanks
