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Re: Afternoon Baby Activities

by mummybubble » Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:50 pm

During term time, try Happy Mondays playgroup from 3-5pm (on Mondays. obviously!) at St Stephen's Church hall (at the back) on Weir Rd. Activities and tea and coffee plus drink/biscuit for the children/baby. A baby area and toys plus stuff for older children. £1 for first child and 50p for additional children (I think!)

Re: Afternoon Baby Activities

by balhamite » Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:21 pm

A few ideas:

Monkey Music has some afternoon sessions at Balham leisure centre though they are on summer holidays at the moment.

The triangle 1 o clock club (tooting common) is on until 4.

I think Trinity Hydro Pool do some afternoon baby swim classes but its hard to get a place.

Afternoon Baby Activities

by PhillyFitness » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:48 pm

Hey there

Does anybody know any activities around Balham that are from 3pm? I just find that all activities are in the morning when my baby is asleep so would be great to find something for the afternoon

