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Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by maryanneshio9 » Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:50 am

Yes, that's my husband's website. He is definitely very blunt, direct, and totally unambiguous when he instructs or talks about things about which he's opinionated. That "No Gifts" post was written for his friend who was getting married and both the bride and groom wanted to convey a strict no-gift policy. The friend knew that my husband had this view on no gifts (he doesn't ever want anyone to give him a gift, unless it's on very very very special and original terms, and even that is rare), and so he wrote this post for him. Now he uses this post anytime there's an issue about gifts. Yes, it's harsh, but it's actually quite efficient!

My husband says in addition: "...if a gentle hint, a non-direct indication of a possible preference, or anything less than being in-your-face blunt, would be heeded. If yes, good on that poster [previous commenter above]. Commendation. But that isn’t the standard: most people don’t hear it unless it is very “direct”.

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by Wheresmyschool? » Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:49 pm


That's a bit direct!

Was it your husband who wrote the "no gifts" blog?

Whoever it was is very direct :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by maryanneshio9 » Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:16 pm

In the first year of knowing my husband, and nearing the end of that year, I soon discovered that I was about to marry a serious Grinch/Scrooge. Here's what he says about Christmas:

"A chap, not born 2013 years ago, not born on 25 Dec, was thought by the Romans to be a troublemaker, and died in the manner was then standard for criminals. He had followers, all illiterate. Some seventy years later are the first written accounts of this chap’s life — as if you wrote what your illiterate father said that his illiterate father had been told by his illiterate father. Observe the absence of any pretence of a scientific standard of data gathering.

Being a people-centric rather than an elite religion, it did offer a better deal to the masses. It caught on. Three centuries later an Emperor decided that this would be his state religion. Whoopee!

Which is why we have to listen to Jingle Bells whilst pushing through crowded shops to buy useless tat which we then inflict on other people, such that they have to remember who gave them the rubbish, and have to remember to have it on display when we visit again, and try to pretend to be grateful.


Please, no gifts."

So, yes, I know exactly what you mean about what it's like being married to a Scrooge.


Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by wasateacher » Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:55 am

I'm not a bloke but I don't do Christmas. I maintained a superficial enthusiasm for it while my parents were alive because it meant something to them, but the first time I could go away and avoid it was bliss.

This year I may have to celebrate it but, regretfully, think it is a waste of time and money. You can enjoy family without the fuss.

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by Mrs Contractor Mum » Sun Dec 01, 2013 6:13 pm

Well for the first time in my life I have a Christmas tree in my house as my husband wanted to get one as its the first time we will be spending Christmas at home.
My explanation of why we have Christmas trees and a Santa Claus isn't quite sticking to standard stories for children but I guess each family makes there own traditions. :lol:

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by juliantenniscoach » Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:09 pm

Christmas was more special for me as a child. Which is an obvious a sentence as you'll ever read on NVN but bear with me. I come from a Catholic family and went to a Catholic school in my primary years so Christmas had a completely different meaning than it does today.

After all without Christianity there would be no Christmas, but that message and sentiment as been almost completely lost after a generation's barrage by our now secular society. I'm as much to blame as anyone else has my faith is best described as 'conflicted'!

So now it's become a 'holiday season' where some bloke with a white beard comes into it somehow. I like the period of time when I catch up with various members of my family, the meals and delight in my children's eyes on Christmas morning. What I don't like is the 'social pressure' let's say of being all bright and jolly and being NBF to people you barely say hello to throughout the rest of the year. The repetition of parties for no apparent reason other than drinking and over indulging. I should point out that I don't drink which has a massive effect on people's behaviour in these circumstances. Then there's the 'must go to sales' to buy stuff you never knew you wanted, let alone needed etc.

So reading this back, it would appear that I am in fact a grumpy old man. Thank goodness I married well :D

Merry Christmas everyone.

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by Lucy Gardening Lady » Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:42 pm

I would say is a very personal experience.....

Sometimes people don't like/moan about it because it brings up a lot of "stuff" , families, feelings , ones own childhood memories etc..

Christmas opens up a whole can of memories and for some its not all good. and is often a time for reflection.

And then other years, it gets better, and can be a joyful experience.

I would say its like riding the waves of life,..... some are good, some not so, just depends where one is on an emotional level.

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by Pud1 » Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:21 pm

I'm with you Georgie001. Christmas is my least favourite time of year, closely followed by New Year!

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by Grinch » Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:57 pm

Just realised that my username is wrong, it's the other half who is the Grinch!

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by Georgie001 » Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:40 pm

I'm not a bloke but don't "get" Christmas like most people either. I find the Xmas decs just clutter the house, and unless we are having people over, often don't actually bother with anything other than putting the cards up (which I collect in a pile until a few days before the 25th and then, because everyone else will think I'm weird I put them up. Obviously I don't have kids, have a husband who couldn't care either way and therefore have no-one to really make the effort for. I HATE New Year's Eve with a passion too. I have always been like it and can't honestly say why. I feel bad because I know how strange people must view it. But honestly, just wake me up when we get to 2nd January! So it's not just men!

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by juliantenniscoach » Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:42 pm

Well I can't speak for all blokes but I personally find the commercialisation all a bit OTT. My DW obviously thinks I'm a miserable so and so because Michael Buble's Christmas album is banned until 1st December! ;)

I make up for if with my witty wit and good nature :lol:

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by Grinch » Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:36 pm


So do blokes just not "do" Christmas?

Re: Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by juliantenniscoach » Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:32 pm

"For me it's all about the tree, spending ages choosing and wrapping presents, taking a day off to go shopping in the West End and enjoy the lights and the window displays" Nope, not for me, my idea of Hell would be window shopping in the West End.

Choosing presents for nearest and dearest and spending time with family ok, fine by me but other than that...................? I'm with your hubby.

Yours "a bloke".

Husband who doesn't do Christmas?

by Grinch » Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:48 pm

Need a bit advice!

Does anyone have a husband who doesn't really do Christmas?

My other half is kind and caring but he doesn't really "get" Christmas.

For me it's all about the tree, spending ages choosing and wrapping presents, taking a day off to go shopping in the West End and enjoy the lights and the window displays and all he does is make non-committal noises and I can't pin him down on anything.

Is it just my husband or is it a bloke thing?
