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Re: Recommendations for a hall space

by Littleonesfamilycoach » Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:20 pm

Thank you both for your responses. I was lucky enough to be blessed with a hall for free as the workshop is a free one for local children 😊
Good to have this information for future reference.

Re: Recommendations for a hall space

by Soffy » Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:32 am


We rent out our studio at Sammy Duder on Webbs Road if that would be of interest. I know it’s not quite Balham, but it’s not far.

And the children could even paint a piece of pottery as part of the workshop if that worked?

Can message you with more details if it’s of interest.

Sarah x

Re: Recommendations for a hall space

by gill44 » Mon Sep 30, 2019 8:36 am

Not quite Balham but Battersea- Westbridge School rents out various spaces in the school. contact: Ms Diane Thompson, Head, tel 020 7228 1293. It’s located on Bolingbroke Walk, Westbridge Road, Battersea, London , London SW11 3NE
Good Luck

Recommendations for a hall space

by Littleonesfamilycoach » Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:53 pm

I'm looking into running a free workshop for children to work on emotions and give them some strategies and tools to help them manage their emotions in a safe and effective way.
I am looking for recommendations on spaces in balham. Thanks in advance

We're on fb - little ones sleep and behavioural support

And Instagram - @littleones_familycoach
