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Re: Whitgift vs Dulwich College, please share your thoughts

by makeithappen » Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:39 am

Good replies, particularly about not setting your heart on any until the offers are on the table ...

I don’t know where your child is now, but I’ve noticed some schools maybe promote some schools a little more than others, but actually threads like this are better for impartiality.

I have a child at DC and concur with above opinions about it. Your son would be lucky to go there, as mine is. I know plenty of kids at Whitgift, it’s a fabulous school and the sport is particularly brilliant. A factor for not sending my son there was the excellent sport as I felt he might struggle with not being good enough!

Good luck!

Re: Whitgift vs Dulwich College, please share your thoughts

by Mumof3Balham » Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:07 am

Totally support what Magnolia Mum has said. We are blessed with some excellent boys secondary school within commuting distance from Wandsworth. My son is now in year 11 and is at Whitgift - he had friends from primary who went to Dulwich & Trinity. I don't know anyone who is unhappy with any of these schools. From what I have seen the academic bar is slightly higher to get into Dulwich - but the results of all 3 schools at GCSE are pretty similar. Sport and music are strong at all. Trinity has a strong reputation for music and also has the mixed sixth form (which I feel is a positive). Whitgift has a reputation for sport but in reality we have found it to be very rounded (our son was not sporty at all when he went!). Whitgift drama also very strong.

We are incredibly happy with how our son has thrived at Whitgift - the opportunities and the broad spectrum of sports and clubs on offer. They have also handled the pandemic well - still most sport taking place and high quality of distance learning. One of the reasons we chose Whitgift was it felt to be more multi-cultural than Dulwich and also because it is very strong on the IB (as an alternative to A'levels). All things to consider if you are lucky enough to get a choice. I would see how your son does in the various exams and then only make choices if you have them to make. All the schools tend to offer more personalised show rounds once offers are out if you are finding it difficult to make a choice. That's the best time to make choices and ask detailed questions if you have them. 

Good luck!

Re: Whitgift vs Dulwich College, please share your thoughts

by betsyboop » Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:45 pm

I would also recommend Trinity, super great academics and extra curricular, co-ed in the sixth form.
all rounded school on the side of excellence really.
very inclusive, progressive and down to earth approach to things with a strong pastoral care. 

As it's getting harder and harder to get into those London day schools, you will need to try a range, and see what you get. 
Going through the exam process will give you lots of hindsight information and may stir you in one direction of the other. 
For example, Whitgift also interview the parents, how do you feel about that ?

Re: Whitgift vs Dulwich College, please share your thoughts

by NoodleFan » Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:13 am

Very good advice above. Basically anything can happen.

If you’re looking for single sex schools and willing to head to Croydon, I loved Trinity - bit harder to get into though or it used to be.

Are you talking about year 6 entry or year 7?

Best of luck.

Re: Whitgift vs Dulwich College, please share your thoughts

by MagnoliaMum » Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:04 am

Having been through this twice, my advice would be categorically for none of you to form strong preferences for any one school at this point. Find a range of schools that suit your general criteria (eg boys only or co-ed, ease of school run, academic level etc) and investigate them as best you can - I think they are doing online 'show-rounds' at the moment. Apply for a few of them, guided by your son's current school, and only decide which you like best when you have firm offers in your hand next academic year. In my younger son's year, many boys got offers from either Dulwich or Whitgift but not both, as their application processes are slightly different and the boys themselves may perform differently on the day for the exam or interview, however well prepared. It's better not to let anyone get their heart set on a particular school (or at least for the parents not to speak of it in the presence of the child) as the process can sometimes end up a bit of a lottery, from what we've seen and it is stressful enough anyway. We encouraged our son to see the process as him showing what he was like to the various schools and them deciding whether they thought they were the right school for him, to make rejections less painful. If you're lucky enough to get a choice, you then go round the schools again quickly or talk to them and decide at that point which is the best fit for your child.

All the boys we know who took up positions at both Whitgift and Dulwich seem to be very happy, a few years on and pleased with their choice. My son is at Dulwich, he settled in very quickly and is thriving. There is a friendly atmosphere, they are firm with rules but fair and not too strict, the teachers seem very good, I've been impressed with the Head and how he's dealt with the ever-changing lockdown situation, the sport is excellent when they're allowed to play, the music too. Hope that helps you a bit, good luck...

Whitgift vs Dulwich College, please share your thoughts

by PanicBlind » Mon Dec 28, 2020 6:51 pm

Dear All,

DS is in Y5 and we have begun the discussion about senior schools with him. He has seen a little of both schools thanks to inter-school matches. He seems to be leaning towards Whitgift but DH would prefer Dulwich.

I know they are both wonderful schools and he would be very lucky to get into either. I would really appreciate your views on these schools.

Thank you
