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Holistic sleep consultation available online

by val72 » Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:02 am

Are you struggling with your child bedtime routine?  Is your little one fighting nap time? 
Is your toddler an earlier riser ?   or your baby  is waking up all night through ...

Hi, I am Valerie and I will be happy to help you to find the right sleep strategy for your child.  

I will use a holistic approach by fully exploring many factors that could have an impact on its sleep such as: its birth history and early days, its temperament, nutrition and feeding, developmental stage and sleep needs, any health issues or allergies, its sleep environment, naps, and routine. 

I have worked as an early year’s educator for nearly 20 years in Paris and London and I am a certified sleep consultant. 

To get to know me even better, visit my website (10% discount on video call consultation)  
