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Re: St Thomas - Still no appointment 22 working days later, can't get through on phone

by Caroldn » Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:50 am

Currently 31 weeks pregnant and receiving my pregnancy care at St Thomas, I am very happy with the team.
I had my first appointment at 10-11 weeks with a midwife - they will contact you directly to book you in (no need to call) and then same for the 12week scan
As said before, there is no tests/ checks being done prior to that (except maybe if you had issues with previous pregnancies)
I know it feels strange to wait so long to talk to someone but that’s the way the nhs is working.

My experience so far with the team at ST thomas has been excellent. Once you’ve seen your midwife for the first time, they give you a phone number and email to contact the team with any questions related to your pregnancy. I have witnessed the staff going absolutely above and beyond to support women

Re: St Thomas - Still no appointment 22 working days later, can't get through on phone

by Btc_mum » Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:39 am

I had all my babies at C&W but the process was that either I or the doctor referred me shortly after I found out I was pregnant, then I got a letter through a few weeks later giving me an appointment for a booking appointment (admin and blood tests) and a scan, both for when I was around 12 weeks.

They weren’t on the same day, and usually the booking appointment was first, but for one of them, the scan was first

I didn’t have any contact with a midwife before this, and nor did I need any. There is nothing they can tell you at this stage that isn’t common sense - don’t drink alcohol, avoid the foods you should avoid.
I’m not aware of any screening that should happen before your booking appointment either?

I think you can have a private Harmony test from 10 weeks if you wish, but that’s not a requirement

I mean this very kindly, but I know when you first find out you’re pregnant, it feels like a very big deal that the world should be instantly reacting to. But the system doesn’t really kick in until you’re 12 weeks, so not hearing anything is not any sort of indication that they are doing something wrong

Please also remember that maternity services are stretched to the absolute limit after decades of under funding. The London hospitals all do incredibly well considering how busy they are, but endlessly ringing them up to chase an appointment that is still weeks away from happening is not going to help an already overstretched department to deliver service to women

Re: St Thomas - Still no appointment 22 working days later, can't get through on phone

by ceecee12 » Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:08 am

Good morning, you should have your booking appointment by 10 weeks. This is followed by them taking bloods and your antenatal scan at 12 weeks. If you choose to have antenatal care at another hospital/ deliver there you must still have care at the hospital within your trust you live in to. 020 7188 2300 I found this number for community midwives. I’d ask to speak to the community midwife manager and she should handle everything for you. Hopefully this helps x

Re: St Thomas - Still no appointment 22 working days later, can't get through on phone

by J_J » Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:28 pm

Hospitalappointment wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:51 am Have you contacted your GP at all? STH would have midwives working in the community. Can’t remember when you first see a midwife as it’s so long ago to me. Not likely to go to hospital for a scan before 12 weeks, unless that’s changed recently. If you can’t through to anyone maybe try PALS? Search for “PALS St Thomas” to get a link.
Thanks that may be the next port of call.

Yes, we spoke to the GP, who said to just self-refer to the hospital...

By the sounds of it, we can switch to C&W at any point in the process?

Re: St Thomas - Still no appointment 22 working days later, can't get through on phone

by Hospitalappointment » Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:51 am

Have you contacted your GP at all? STH would have midwives working in the community. Can’t remember when you first see a midwife as it’s so long ago to me. Not likely to go to hospital for a scan before 12 weeks, unless that’s changed recently. If you can’t through to anyone maybe try PALS? Search for “PALS St Thomas” to get a link.

St Thomas - Still no appointment 22 working days later, can't get through on phone

by J_J » Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:44 am

Hi all, just wanted to see if our experience was normal or not...we self-referred to Guys & St Thomas on 6 Feb which is now 22 working days ago, with self-referrals meant to take 10 working days. We have managed to speak to a very unhelpful person once who just said to wait, but otherwise have been on hold for an hour a couple of times before just being cut off. We're now 9 weeks pregnant (first time - so extra stressed!) without any sign of acknowledgement from the hospital.

We are really concerned, not least as to why we haven't got an appointment noting the NHS website says we should be speaking to a midwife as soon as we know we are pregnant (not happened), and NHS website also says that certain screening may be necessary before 10 weeks - seems like this isn't going to happen?

Has anyone had a similar experience? Given it seems very difficult to get through over the phone, we're also concerned about the really worrying "customer service" from the hospital if something happens in the future.

Wondering if once we're actually registered there is a different phone line where you can actually speak to someone?

We're tempted to re-refer to Chelsea and Westminster as we have no confidence in Guys & St Thomas any more, but worried we would be resetting the whole process! Any advice or reassurance appreciated...
